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  • 5115


    Are you no longer a moderator whooami? Whether you are or not you guys tend to be pretty harsh. It’s discouraging and quite frankly I’m tired of it. You guys need to go through a customer service course for the sake of WordPress.

    Jeremy Clark


    All the helpers on this forum are volunteers. Also you wanted a critique and whooami gave you a perfectly valid one.



    The site description text in your header is illegible do to it’s color.

    The side bar looks like this:


    Waaay to many ads – huge turn-off.

    The counter is too “1997”.

    Good luck.



    Are you no longer a moderator whooami?

    I never was a moderator, and if I were, my response would be no different.

    Although, I do find my last post to be rather funny given that I remarked on the OPs posts — leave it to me to make enough typos that I question whether or not I learned English in High School.

    Thats what I get for replying without having had any caffiene.



    the first thing i think when i see that many ads is whether or not visiting the site will come back to haunt me.

    i sure do miss those animated borders and gifs.

    Thread Starter Vast HTML


    im sorry but if you have to go picking at things as stupid as the counter then your just wanting somehitng to fuss about. im sorry when i go to a blog i look at the content on that blog not all the other crap. i agree i had to many ads but thats changed now and the site now looks like this whooami as a crapy attitude and im sorry but his site just doesnt look all that great either. who cares if it will validate when it looks like crap. and about 95% of the ff users on my site say it looks just fine so when someone who just dont like me says it dont look good i just dont listen. if your going to view the site and you have a comment or sujestion please give it in a helpfull way and not just be like whooami.



    and the site now looks like this ..

    much better!

    his site just doesnt look all that great either

    hahahahh.. hahahahhaha… hahahahha

    dude, my site pwns, stay off the crack. and im a “her”, not a “he” or a “his”

    Thread Starter Vast HTML


    omg you are full of yourself. ray charles could have done the same thing you did. i mean god even all the crap you have givin me on this post i havent yet sat here and said my site was good not once, just shows that you really do have an attitude problem. the people that think there sites are just so awsome are mostly the ones that have the sites that are just blaa. for real you need to wake up and get out of your own A**



    Much better!

    It has a professional, “I want to look around” feel now.

    Good luck with the site.

    Thread Starter Vast HTML



    You want a browser that works well?

    Take your beloved IE on over to the Acid Test.

    Compare the results you get with IE, Firefox, Opera, and Safari. Only one of those four will fail miserably.

    i hate firefox and honestly dont care if it cant view the site very well. it looks great in i.e so im ok with it lol.

    This is the exact reason so many pages only work in IE: Because the authors of those pages have written bad code SPECIFICALLY to function in IE and which subsequently and appropriately malfunctions in other, standards compliant, browsers.

    Let’s also keep these market share numbers in perspective. IE comes installed on EVERY Windows machine in existence. Safari comes installed on EVERY Mac out there (OSX).

    Firefox and Opera are download by interested parties only (though many Linux distrubutions may include Firefox). Even the Windows version of Safari is now a cleverly manipulated forced download (here I grumble).

    So, the market shares that Opera and Firefox have staked out for themselves are much more impressive than you have given them credit.

    Thread Starter Vast HTML


    just becouse a web design makes a page to work in ie only dont make it “bad” code. and it dont matter what the reason is that more people use ie then firfox, the point is they do

    Sure, more people use ie than firefox, but your target market are tech people and programmers. Tech people and programmers are more likely to favor Firefox. But if you’re marketing to Mary Sue, the homemaker, who barely knows how to boot her PC, then you should be fine.

    Good luck. Nice blog. ??

    Just throwing my two cents in here – first I didn’t see the begining iteration of your site, but I do find the new version? not bad.

    i hate firefox and honestly dont care if it cant view the site very well. it looks great in i.e so im ok with it lol. if everyone would use a browser that worked we would all be better off.

    It doesnt matter if you dislike it, the thing is you have to look at what a good web developer does, he validates that it works in IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari etc. Wouldn’t you like to attract Mac users to your site? Here is the main question though – what is your demograpihc? Age group? Type of user? All of these factor into who you should design for. For instance – if I was designing a site for linux users I’d be damn sure it worked in Firefox or some Mozilla derivative and if it didn’t work fully in IE I’d be ok with it because my demographic did not utilize IE.

    Now are you trying to attract gamers? It is a given that Gamers are going to use Windows Machines and IE is installed but also many Hardcore Gamers in the US dislike IE and stick to Firefox.

    im sorry but if you have to go picking at things as stupid as the counter then your just wanting somehitng to fuss about. im sorry when i go to a blog i look at the content on that blog not all the other crap.

    You also need to look at some of the studies that show how people view websites, how long they stay at the website and what pieces of the site draws there eyes to certain parts of the content. Content may be great but if the site does a poor job of directing the viewers eye to the content then you have not done your job.

    Who cares what you look at when you blog – you don’t care about the other crap and only look for content but what about the people that are actually looking at your site? What do they care about? Are you designing the site for you or for readers?

    You need to take all of the comments on this site in stride, some may be negative but you asked for comments or questions and then decided to go against the grain when you tell web developers and people who do this for a living that not coding for Firefox is irrelevant because it is and people who know what they are doing will give you the same reaction again and again. So next time you ask for input try not to be so negative on suggestions and hopefully – others will treat you with the same respect.

    Thread Starter Vast HTML


    studies show people look at the content on the blog, not the way the blog looks.

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