• Resolved crushnik


    I just moved my site from GoDaddy’s servers to a new hosting provider. Everything works except for Jetpack. Any JP-related plugins wouldn’t show up and I couldn’t access the Jetpack dashboard. Debug only gave me errors (“there has been a critical error on this website…” and no email shows up like the message says), disabling all plugins didn’t help, nor did switching themes. I uninstalled from the FTP, then reinstalled. Right back to the same issue.

    I disconnected Jetpack from WordPress.com, uninstalled from FTP, then reinstalled, same problem. I’m at a loss. I’d greatly appreciate any help.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Karen Attfield


    Hi @crushnik

    That certainly does sound unusual – thanks for sharing your site link here as I did notice in the page source that there was a Jetpack blog ID associated with your site, but that blog ID was linked to another URL. So it’s very possible that the process of migrating your site caused some issues with Jetpack here.

    What I’ve done is change the URL on record that is associated with the blog ID showing up in your site’s page source (the previous URL was also redirecting to the URL you’ve shared). Could you let us know what happens now if you try to reinstall / reconnect?

    Thread Starter crushnik


    I deleted the Jetpack plugin then reinstalled. Initially I had a blank white screen. After refreshing my browser I got the same “critical error on this website” message. I don’t know if it helps, but after deleting Jetpack I ran site health and found that I needed to enable “https” for my site, and did so. Could that be causing an issue?

    Also, I have no idea how to find where I can add my site to WordPress.com so that I can reconnect it to Jetpack. It’s pointing to a website I got rid of ages ago. This may be another factor, since Jetpack may not have anything telling it to connect to my new site.

    Thanks for responding @wpkaren!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by crushnik.
    Thread Starter crushnik


    Any help would be greatly appreciated…

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi @crushnik,

    Thanks for the follow-up, and I’m sorry for the delay. We’re working on a backlog of support requests at this time, and we generally answer in the order received.

    I made some tests and I noticed first of all that your site both displays on the HTTP and HTTPS URL. To avoid any further problems, the HTTP version should automatically redirect to HTTPS to have your site online only in one “place”. You may want to report this to the folks at GoDaddy so they can fix that for you.

    With that said, I checked again the Jetpack connection, and I see that while your site is publicly accessible, we cannot access your site’s XML-RPC file:


    This file is used by Jetpack to connect to your site. It must return the following message:
    XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.

    You can see a working example here:


    Since your site returns a 406 Not Acceptable error for this page, I would recommend that you check the following:

    1) Can you see the /xmlrpc.php file at the root of your WordPress installation when accessing your site via FTP? I think you do. However, I see that the site is part of a multisite and the main network site ( https://victoryinstitute.net/blogs/utb ) doesn’t match the site URL ( https://untothebreach.net ). You may want to explore this with your host.

    2) Do you use any security plugins that may block access to this file? If so, could you try to disable them?

    3) Does your hosting provider block access to this file? If you don’t find any plugin that may block access to the file on your site, I would recommend that you get in touch with your host.

    Hope that’s all clear! Let me know what you find out and we’ll take it from there.

    Look forward to your reply, and thanks for sorting this out with us!

    Thread Starter crushnik


    Thank you for your response and I understand the delay.

    1) I had deactivated Jetpack due to the trouble it was causing. Upon reactivation I got the same 406 error you mentioned when checking the xmlrpc.php. The site I had moved from was the victoryinstitute.net URL you referenced. This is an exported copy of that site and I thought I had cleaned up all the bits that were pointing to the old site so that only untothebreach.net would appear in database/Wordpress files. The http/https problem is something I thought I had resolved, but apparently that is still an issue. What file references this, so perhaps I could find it myself?

    2) I do not use any security plugins, and when I first tried troubleshooting Jetpack, I had disabled all plugins and switched to a stock WordPress theme.

    3) I can access anything I need to via FTP. I’ve been through every file I can find, and I can’t find anything containing a link to the old victoryinstitute.net info. Is there another file I need to modify, or could it be coming from the 301 redirect coming from that old site to the new site?

    Thread Starter crushnik


    Looks like several Jetpack files in my database may be causing the issue. Sorting through the code, I can see that Jetpack is still trying to link up with the old victoryinstitute.net site.

    Thread Starter crushnik


    Is it possible to wipe all Jetpack database entries and start fresh? And if my Jetpack account is linked to an email address that no longer exists is there a way to recover it?

    Plugin Contributor Karen Attfield


    Hi @crushnik

    In terms of the HTTP / HTTPS issue, the URL Jetpack currently has on record is https://untothebreach.net/. Since the site currently loads over both HTTP and HTTPS this may not be an issue in terms of the Jetpack connection itself, but it is more likely to be an issue for search engines in terms of duplicate content. It can also be an issue for your site’s communication with WordPress.com, as our system does not know whether it should connect to your site via one or the other address.

    We certainly can remove the existing Jetpack connection – I’ve made a change from our end which removes any connection to the existing URL. Jetpack can be reconnected to that site from any WordPress.com account.

    Do let us know if you are able to make a fresh reconnection to Jetpack after this.

    I do notice that the xmlrpc file isn’t accessible though as before so it’s possible a connection still won’t work at this stage. Since you’ve confirmed there are no security plugins, the next best option here is to reach out to your host to see if they have anything in place on a server level that blocks access to that file.

    Do let us know what you find here and we’ll be happy to troubleshoot further as needed.

    Thread Starter crushnik


    I backed up my database, then went through and deleted every wp-options entry that was related to Jetpack. I now have access to the settings screen so there is hope. I guess Jetpack was so entwined into my site that when it broke in the move, it messed up a lot of things. After spending countless hours trying to understand what could be going wrong, deleting tons of entries and rewriting countless addresses I was still getting nowhere and was concerned that years of work was effectively wiped out. Thank you very much for the help!

    The hosting provider is working to resolve the XMLRPC issue and apparently also fixed the http/https issue. If I can figure out how to redirect all my old site’s pages and posts to the new site’s corresponding pages and posts all my wildest WordPress dreams will have come true. ??


    Thread Starter crushnik


    Apparently my hosting provider currently has issues with Jetpack. I will check back in once they have that sorted out and hopefully that will resolve my issue. Thank you for your help!

    Plugin Contributor Jen H. (a11n)


    Hey @crushnik,

    Thanks for the followup! I’m going to mark this thread as resolved now, but feel free to reach back out if you still need us. You can just mark it as “not resolved” in the status on the right sidebar.


    Thread Starter crushnik


    Noticed this line of code in the Site Health Info screen under Jetpack, IDC URLS:


    I also remember seeing this in the database in at least one place, where instead of "https://" I have "https:\/\/"

    I’m tempted to try changing it, just in case my hosting provider’s tech support is giving me the runaround, but apart from Jetpack my site is mostly back to normal and I would hate to break it.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by crushnik.
    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    Those extra slashes are to be expected in the Jetpack settings of your Site Health screen, no worries there!

    There are definitely still issues with your hosting provider, though; they seem to either block or restrict specific requests to your site. You can see an example below:

    curl -A "Jetpack by WordPress.com" -is -H 'Content-Type: text/xml' --data '<?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>demo.sayHello</methodName><params></params></methodCall>' 'https://www.untothebreach.net/xmlrpc.php' && echo
    HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
    Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 08:25:06 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    Content-Length: 83
    Connection: keep-alive
    Keep-Alive: timeout=30
    Server: Apache/2
    <script>document.cookie = "humans_21909=1"; document.location.reload(true)</script>

    That cookie reference may refer to specific security measures added by your hosting provider. They’ll know what it refers to.

    For reference, here is what a working request would look like:

    curl -A "Jetpack by WordPress.com" -is -H 'Content-Type: text/xml' --data '<?xml version="1.0"?><methodCall><methodName>demo.sayHello</methodName><params></params></methodCall>' 'https://www.ads-software.com/xmlrpc.php' && echo
    HTTP/2 200
    server: nginx
    date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 08:24:41 GMT
    content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    vary: Accept-Encoding
    strict-transport-security: max-age=360
    x-olaf: ?
    x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter crushnik


    Greatly. Thank you @jeherve !

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