“If you aren’t using the plugin, you can remove it”
-> That is exactly the problem.
WHY should I remove something?
I don’t have “Woocommere Shipping & Tax” installed so you should not steal my time and focus with such messages..
The message is made so that my customers who do not have technical understanding are seduced into using Jetpack…
If “Woocommere Shipping & Tax” is installed and activated then this message is welcome.
But the way you do it is what I call “Marketing monster”. It is only about money and not about the customer.
I hate to see this in OS software it’s just not the right way and Automattic seems to be on a path to maximize turnover instead of serving value. Maybe that is okay for wordpress.com but not for the OS world or www.ads-software.com. I also have the same feeling in regards to Woocommerce… Automattic seems to take lots of time in finding ways to increase turnover. Pop-Ups, price increases, no more developer licenses, lots of “welcome” questions.
This is a really bad way…not only for WP users but also for the reputation of WordPress.