• Resolved goldengate


    I am running my site on a managed wordpress environment and have been using the Jetpack mobile theme for quite some time with good results. Recently I downloaded and activated Autoptimize, and noticed that the theme began behaving strangely… certain button presses sent users to random pages on my site.

    I loved the speed results with Autoptimize and am sorry I had to uninstall it. Is there any way to configure it so it plays nicely with the Jetpack mobile theme?



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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    I (re-)tested Jetpack Mobile on my testblog and all is fine there really. now what surprises me is that you mention “button presses”, while I don’t see buttons there (I see a dropdown-menu, which works and links inside which also work, but no buttons).

    Anyway, what you could do is use AO’s API (and specifically autoptimize_filter_js_noptimize filter) to tell AO not to JS-optimize if the HTML has jetpack/modules/minileven in it. If you want I can provide you with the code to do that.


    Thread Starter goldengate


    Hi Frank, thank you for the speedy response! If you are referring to my site working, I’ve actually deleted the AO plugin until I can figure out how to get it to play nicely with the mobile theme. There’s also a possibility that the issue is Go Daddy’s Managed WordPress hosting’s auto-caching is somehow interfering?

    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    I’m referring to the fact that AO + JetPack mobile theme works OK in my test-setup ??

    Regarding your site, I didn’t understand your reference to “buttons”, as JetPack mobile (as far as I can see) does not feature buttons?

    No idea if/ how GoDaddy’s would interfere really.

    Anyway, to progress in this here matter I would advise you to;
    1. re-enable AO, starting with CSS & HTML optimization only. given your problem description, the problem is most likely JS-specific.
    2. you can re-enable JS optimization while disabling it for JetPack Mobile pages with this piece of code (using e.g. code snippets);

    function noptJPM($bool,$content) {
            if (strpos($content,"minileven")!==false) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                    return false;

    hope this helps,

    Thread Starter goldengate


    Hi Frank Sorry about the reference to “buttons”…. I just meant clickable areas… so in this case if you click on a home listing under one of the city pages, it instead goes to another random page on the site if AO is installed. Unfortunately with Go Daddy’s Managed WordPress plan we are not able to adjust settings on their cache. Noted on the code, I’ll give it to our web coding guy to see if he can install.

    Thanks for your help!!!

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    so in this case if you click on a home listing under one of the city pages, it instead goes to another random page on the site if AO is installed.

    Very weird, as JetPack Mobile does not depend on JS for links (in menu or in text).

    What URL is your site on?


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    This was taken offline (well, via mail) and the conclusion is this behavior is probably due to an optimization-problem with the JS of one of the plugins used (so not JetPack Mobile generic).

    to be confirmed & troubleshooted later, when goldengate has time to look into this more.


    Thread Starter goldengate


    Yes thank you for the excellent support, Frank!

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