• Resolved tahliasmasks


    Sometimes Jetpack publicizes to Facebook and G+ just fine. Other times it shows the wrong photo on Facebook and lately has not been showing any photo at all on G+.

    I got so pissed off at Facebook images not showing correctly (and they are always bigger than 200×200) that I turned off that function and post to Facebook manually.

    I’ve read all the support threads on this and checked the debugger, but the site shows no errors and neither does the post URL I put in.

    I’m not technically literate so code fixes are beyond me.

    The site is https://tahlianewland.com


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  • Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Hi Jeremy, I’m having the same problem with another site. https://awesomeindies.net.

    We were using a different plugin to publicize with but went back to Jetpack because the other plugin didn’t post to G+. It’s posting to both G+ and Fb but hasn’t been showing an image on either. Then two posts ago it did show up an image on Fb. The one that appeared on Fb didn’t appear on G+ and the one that appeared on G+ didn’t appear on Fb

    This post showed no image on Fb but did show up on G+ https://awesomeindies.net/bookstore/the-child-stealers-book-1-of-the-cursed-ground-a-roy-king/

    And this post did show an image on Fb but not on G+. https://awesomeindies.net/bookstore/children-of-the-keeper-book-2-of-the-cursed-ground-a-roy-king/

    I don’t do the posting there, but I asked the guy who does it to check that he always uses images more than 200×200. I can’t be sure about anything older than these two posts though.

    After the recent WP updates the browser check in cherry/header.php is posting a broken browser image on FB pages using the Jetpack socialize or publicize feature. Instead of using the upload image or featured image it puts the broken browser image..

    THis is bad…

    Here is the code

    <?php /* The HTML5 Shim is required for older browsers, mainly older versions IE */ ?>
    <!–[if lt IE 9]>
    <div id=’ie7-alert’ style=’width: 100%; text-align:center;’>
    <img src=’https://tmbhtest.com/images/ie7.jpg&#8217; alt=’Upgrade IE 8′ width=’640′ height=’344′ border=’0′ usemap=’#Map’ />
    <map name=’Map’ id=’Map’><area shape=’rect’ coords=’496,201,604,329′ href=’https://www.microsoft.com/windows/internet-explorer/default.aspx&#8217; target=’_blank’ alt=’Download Interent Explorer’ /><area shape=’rect’ coords=’380,201,488,329′ href=’https://www.apple.com/safari/download/&#8217; target=’_blank’ alt=’Download Apple Safari’ /><area shape=’rect’ coords=’268,202,376,330′ href=’https://www.opera.com/download/&#8217; target=’_blank’ alt=’Download Opera’ /><area shape=’rect’ coords=’155,202,263,330′ href=’https://www.mozilla.com/&#8217; target=’_blank’ alt=’Download Firefox’ /><area shape=’rect’ coords=’35,201,143,329′ href=’https://www.google.com/chrome&#8217; target=’_blank’ alt=’Download Google Chrome’ />
    <!–[if gte IE 9]><!–>
    <script src='<?php echo PARENT_URL; ?>/js/jquery.mobile.customized.min.js’ type=’text/javascript’></script>
    <script type=’text/javascript’>
    jQuery(‘.sf-menu’).mobileMenu({defaultText: <?php echo ”’ . apply_filters( ‘cherry_text_translate’, html_entity_decode( of_get_option(‘mobile_menu_label’) ), ‘mobile_menu_label’ ) . ”’; ?>});

    here is an example


    I am going to REM out the browser stuff in header.php but that is not a fix.

    I ran the url through the FB debugger and got this.

    Object at URL ‘https://www.donsmobileglass.com/california-glass-ca/modesto-turlock-merced-manteca/auto-glass/light-headlight-restoration/&#8217; of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ” for property ‘fb:app_id’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.
    Errors That Must Be Fixed
    Object Invalid Value Object at URL ‘https://www.donsmobileglass.com/california-glass-ca/modesto-turlock-merced-manteca/auto-glass/light-headlight-restoration/&#8217; of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ” for property ‘fb:app_id’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.

    I took out the FB page ID

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Hi cappuccinomedia

    Um, what am I supposed to do with this information? Are you saying that if that code goes into cherry/header.php (whatever that is) that my problems will be solved?

    Plugin Contributor Ryan C.


    @cappuccinomedia: Could you please start your own thread, as per the Forum Welcome?

    @tahliasmasks: It looks like there’s an issue with Jetpack’s connection on https://awesomeindies.net. Can you try disconnecting and reconnecting Jetpack on that site? Then, see if the issue persists.

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Hi Ryan,
    I’ve done that, but I won’t know whether it works better until another post is made. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    FYI, https://awesomeindies.net is the site we had trouble with in this thread.

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Hi again,

    I notice that this is marked as resolved but it most certainly is not.

    The Awesome Indies site is posting to both Facebook and G+, but sometimes it shows an image and sometimes it doesn’t on both sites. Since I deactivated and reactivated it, all the posts showed up fine until this one.

    On the other site https://tahlianewland.com. I’m posting to Facebook myself because the results there are so poor if I use publicize and on G+ it sometimes shows the right photo, sometimes the wrong photo and sometimes no photo at all.


    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    The Awesome Indies site is posting to both Facebook and G+, but sometimes it shows an image and sometimes it doesn’t on both sites. Since I deactivated and reactivated it, all the posts showed up fine until this one.

    Facebook reports some errors with that URL:

    • “Time Scraped” value is weird: I doubt you published that post in 1970 ?? That seems to be an issue with Facebook.
    • Facebook wasn’t able to grab Open Graph Meta data in your post, although it is there:
    • When I ask Facebook to scrape the URL again, it grabs everything, including the image: https://i.wpne.ws/b4tp

    These issues point towards performance issues with your site; if your post is too slow to load when you first try to access it after publishing it, Facebook will eventually give up trying to load the page and won’t grab any information from the post.

    It might be worth trying to remove some of the elements from your site to speed things up, and see if it helps.

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Thanks Jeremy, I’ve sent this to my web designer and we’ll see what happens. I expect she’ll say that what’s slowing it down is jetpack. She didn’t want to use it because she said it did that, but it’s the only way we can work out how to publicize to G+ Anyway, I leave it with her.

    Have you had any response on the problem with https://tahlianewland.com?

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    I expect she’ll say that what’s slowing it down is jetpack. She didn’t want to use it because she said it did that, but it’s the only way we can work out how to publicize to G+

    That’s a bit vague, as Jetpack includes many different modules. ??

    You can deactivate the modules you don’t use under Jetpack > Settings in your dashboard. If you find that Jetpack slows your site down, you can also deactivate each module, one at a time, to find out what module slows down your site.

    It’s worth noting that the Publicize module itself doesn’t load any assets on the frontend of your site, so it won’t slow your site down. Your readers never have to load any Publicize-related resources.

    Have you had any response on the problem with https://tahlianewland.com?

    We sometimes get a timeout error when trying to query that site from WordPress.com servers. It causes issues with your Jetpack connection, and it could also what causes problems when Google+ and Facebook crawl your posts to select an image to use in post previews.

    The timeout doesn’t always happen, though; I just made 3 tests, and got a timeout 2 times out of three.

    If the 2 sites are hosted on the same server, the problem might be the same for both sites, and it would point to speed issues on the server level, not with the sites themselves.

    Let me know what your designer finds out.

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Hi again Jeremy,

    The designer is working on a volunteer basis and I can’t get onto her, but here’s an update.

    The awesome Indies site is posting fine to Fb, and most of the time it’s okay on G+. We only use Jetpack for publicise and subsctiptions to the blog and forms. We never turned any of the other modules on. Recently this post didn’t have the right photo.
    but the rest of the posts this month have been fine in both places.

    The tahlianewland.com site is a problem though. I no longer use Publicize for Facebook and do that manually because it’s so often comes up with the wrong photo. G+ was going all right there for a bit but when I checked recently, several posts have come up with the Australian Flag, not the featured image. Even though the flag is tiny on the site.

    These are the posts that are the issue.

    The time out issue you found, being an occasional thing, is certainly worth looking into further. Do I need to contact my hosting provider about that?



    If you’re having the same issue as I’ve had explained here, the code snippet in that post helps with posting to FB. I’ve never had an issue with FB after I added that snippet to my wordpress sites. Also this might help:

    Make sure:

    • you have an xml sitemap plugin installed.
    • That you allow pingbacks and trackbacks.
    • Have a fallback image, such as a site logo and a site icon. Jetpack offers both.
    • And finally, have a full feed instead of summary.

    I noticed yesterday that after resetting these settings, I can share to Google+ without any issues. It worked instantly on my main blogs. The testing blogs needed a little bit more time, though so I’m not sure if this is a sure fix for ugly, naked links without an image being displayed when you share a wordpress post to Google+.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    The time out issue you found, being an occasional thing, is certainly worth looking into further. Do I need to contact my hosting provider about that?

    You could, but before you do so, I’d suggest reviewing the different plugins currently active on your site, and make sure you’ve done everything you could to speed things up on your end.

    @greatdanemaniac’s tip is also a good workaround, as it forces Facebook to crawl your post twice on publication. That extra visit from Facebook’s bot can ensure that if Facebook couldn’t get the image the first time, it can get it on its second visit.

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Thanks guys. Where do I put the code and can you suggest a xml sitemap plugin.



    Just put it in your theme’s functions.php file, or better yet, make a functionality plugin.

    I use the Google XML sitemap plugin.

    Thread Starter tahliasmasks


    Thank greatdanemaniac

    I don’t know how to make a plugin, but I do know where to find the php file. Do I put it in at the top or the bottom of the file? I’ve never done that kind of thing before and I don’t want to stuff anything up.

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