Great! I’m glad things are working again!
I am not sure what the filter is that Jetpack added to stop these post from getting pushed.
Starting in Jetpack 4.2 and until last Friday, we only checked for a post’s status transition (from draft to published, or future (scheduled) to published for example). We’ve now added a check to make sure that posts that didn’t have a publish
post status didn’t get publicized, regardless of the transition they went through.
This won’t affect Custom Post Types. It’s still possible to publicize to Custom Post Types, by following the instructions here:
At the very least I think those “internal” post types should be marked as draft or maybe private, which would be much easier and probably already a common method for a plugin developer to filter on.
I suspect they are; that’s why we can’t access
on your site right now, for example. Infinite WP most likely doesn’t have anything else to do; although it was a bit difficult to debug because I didn’t know Infinite WP created posts to store logs, everything should work properly now. The problem was entirely our fault, and I’m really sorry about that, and about all the cleanup you’ve had to do because of this.