• Since this afternoon, Stats graph via Jetpack is reporting alternately NOTHING for today, or around 1,000 – the numerical figure is around 100.

    I realise it is April 1st, but I am rapidly losing all confidence in WordPress Stats – and since I don’t understand the complicated relationships between widget publishers and WordPress (if something is called WordPress Stats then as far as I’m concerned it is WordPress – not Automattic or anyone else) – then WordPress itself is also going down in my esteem.

    I cannot trust any of the figures at all. How can I be sure that the numerical figures are ever correct if the graphs are repeatedly wrong?

    And never mind about “be patient”. I donate to these things if I use them – and if I can trust them.

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  • Shakhawat


    Me too same problem, I got 4383 views but graphs showing me 43000 views!

    What’s going on!?



    April Fool? I’m having the same issue but will wait ’till tomorrow to see what happens.

    Mine is alternating between showing correctly and showing 10x the number of views I actually have. For a while this morning, it would show all days except for today correctly, and today with none, or 10x the amount.



    If you hover the graph bar for April 1, you will see “April Fools”. That’s what happening to mine. So hopefully everything should be working fine later at 12:01AM

    Thread Starter sualdam


    Doesn’t it seem a little unprofessional – or is it just me?

    It’s hard to take the whole WordPress thing seriously when someone can do this. It might be funny in the schoolyard, but amongst adults it is just a pain – particularly when you consider the debacle over Stats a few weeks ago.

    (And mine doesn’t say “April Fools” when I hover over it).

    Time to start trialling some other blogging software!

    Thread Starter sualdam


    And although it seems fixed now, you still can’t display the monthly graph without fiddling (click again after the graph is drawn). It won’t show immediately..

    Whoever thought it was funny has screwed up the entire service.

    I wish there was a completely standalone stats pack so I could do away with this rubbish altogether.

    Maybe switching to a self-hosted stats plugin could help ??



    Sualdam, you’re funny when you’re grouchy. ??

    My clients are having trouble with Jetpack too, so I understand your frustration. For most of us the April Fool’s thing was amusing—but it’s not when everything else is broken.

    Do you use Google Analytics? It’s far more comprehensive. Using a plugin like Google Analyticator you can view the stats directly from your WordPress dashboard, too. That’s what I’d recommend.

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