The nature of how Matador works is that the recruiting firm staff, which we assume to be non-technical, can completely manage their job information, including job descriptions, 100% on Bullhorn. Matador, on a regular cadence, connects to Bullhorn and downloads all new and changed jobs to be imported or updated.
For this reason, every half hour, any changes you made to the job in WordPress will be overwritten by the sync. If you use a builder like Visual Composer, you are actually adding tons of WordPress shortcodes into the job description, and this is why we don’t push WordPress changes back to Bullhorn, because Bullhorn doesn’t have access to the Shortcode system and job descriptions at Bullhorn are used to do more, like send emails, submit jobs to Indeed and Monster, and more.
If your site needs Visual Composer elements to appear before and after the job description to display properly, you can use filters to add your shortcodes. We discourage this, overall, and instead recommend making modifications to your single.php or creating a single-matador-job-listings.php file to manage the look/feel of your jobs.
See this document for more on steps forward you may take: https://matadorjobs.com/support/documentation/format-job-single-and-archive-templates-using-page-builders/