• Hi,

    I would like to css style that message but the HTML output is a P tag without ID

    Infact it is rendered like:

    echo wpautop( sprintf( _n( ‘Join %s other subscriber’, ‘Join %s other subscribers’, $subscribers_total[‘value’], ‘jetpack’ ), number_format_i18n( $subscribers_total[‘value’] ) ) );

    Can you in the future render the P as HTML in PHP like the others P in the form? I mean with an ID.

    Thank you so much!


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  • Thread Starter Adriano G. V. Esposito


    I do it but I will loose all when updating JetPack…

    if($show_subscribers_total && 0 < $subscribers_total[‘value’]){
    ?><p id=”join-subscriber-text”><?php
    echo sprintf( _n( ‘Join %s other subscriber’, ‘Join %s other subscribers’, $subscribers_total[‘value’], ‘jetpack’ ), number_format_i18n($subscribers_total[‘value’]));

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hi! You can likely target it with CSS anyway without an id or class on the <p> element, but if you’d like to submit a Pull Request with your change here:


    it’d be welcome and then we can let the developers decide what they want to do with it. I’d suggest a class, though, since you never know, someone may add the widget twice to their page (once in the sidebar and once in the footer, for example).

    Alternatively, you can submit it as a new issue:


    and then I can have my hand at the Pull Request. It’s up to you! Just let me know what you decide to do. Thanks! ??

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