• Hi

    I have been developing several plugins for WPress without any trouble. I have been introducing the jquery lib directly on the skeleton pages, like this:

    <script src=”<? echo plugins_url(‘myPlugin’) ?>/js/jquery.min.js”></script>
    <script src=”<? echo plugins_url(‘myPlugin’) ?>/js/jquery-ui.min.js”></script>

    It all went well until I loaded 2 plugins (mine) in the same page. I got a “$(…).autocomplete” error. The thing is that I can load jquery in the first (which uses autocomplete), but not in the second otherwise I have a conflict. If I don’t introduce in the second, it all works – my doubt is: will it work if it’s alone? Apparently yes, but… So I’m confused: what is the proper way of doing this?

    Kind regards


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    How come you are loading your own version of jQuery? WordPress installations often have already loaded jQuery core into the page and this is the version that comes bundled in WordPress. By using your own version, you introduce a risk of making the installation incompatible with other plugins and damage the extensiblity of the future codebase.

    Thread Starter jkepler



    Yes, you are right. Still, if I remove my own jquery.min.js the script won’t run in the autocomplete function.


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Why won’t it run the autocomplete function?

    Thread Starter jkepler



    It simply says the function does not exists (like if 2 jquery libs were being loaded). Also I got a console error regarding jquery.cookie (which I’m not using – only if the default template is).


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    It may not exist because the UI library has not been enqueued yet: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/wp_enqueue_script/#default-scripts-included-and-registered-by-wordpress

    I’m going to have to leave this thread, but there are many other knowledgeable devs that can take this further when they’re available.

    Thread Starter jkepler



    Thanks Andrew ??


    Moderator bcworkz


    Even if you really must use your own version (I’m not convinced, more on this later), you still need to enqueue your JS of any sort by using wp_enqueue_script(). Review the rest of the article Andrew linked to last. When you enqueue with the same handle, it will not matter how many times you enqueue from various plugins, the script reference on the page will only appear once.

    In the case of your own jQuery (if you must), to avoid conflicts, you need to first deregister the default “jquery” handle, then register your version using the same “jquery” handle. Then enqueue it, or reference it as a dependency while enqueuing some other script.

    Now, about autocomplete not working. Let’s approach this the proper way and see if it can be resolved without requiring custom jQuery. Remove the script references to your version and enqueue “jquery” registered as the default WP version. Refer to the examples in Andrew’s link for specifics. Also note that the default jQuery runs in noConflict mode, so you cannot use the $ shortcut, you need to use jQuery unless you use a noConflict wrapper.

    Also enqueue any other external JS files you may be using. If they rely upon jQuery, be sure to specify ['jquery'] as the dependency argument of wp_enqueue_script(). If this still fails to work for you, please post here the exact error messages from your browser console.

    Also, if you can provide a link to a live page that uses your scripts, that can be very helpful in helping you resolve this.

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