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  • Plugin Contributor pewgeuges



    Thank you for reporting this issue.

    Thanks to @vonpiernik it is solved by making the browser property in jQuery Tools optional so it won’t break things

    The heavy script use has raised criticism but smooth scroll doesn’t seem to work. Still hopefully the tooltips will be implemented in a less resource intensive and more robust manner using CSS transitions triggered by a few lines of JS, so that enqueuing JS libraries might eventually become a mere option.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Contributor pewgeuges



    Thanks again for pointing this out and for helping raise awareness that the plugin still falls short of properly migrating from jQuery?(UI)?Tools to jQuery?UI. That is the issue we’re currently working on since it has no viable workaround and is causing a functionality outage on at least one website.

    Indeed jQuery Tools, where the jQuery.browser or $.browser function occurs, is outdated and needs to be replaced with jQuery?UI, but in the Footnotes plugin both are used exclusively for the tooltips. Scroll animation/offset and expand/collapse rely on jQuery Core. That’s why I’ve come up suggesting CSS transitions for the tooltips. Keeping script usage minimal meets site performance requirements.

    Yet, scriptless tooltips cannot become the default, because footnote referrers are moving targets, and tooltips need to resize to the window edge. Left to default behavior, boxes are narrow and only expand in height, AFAICS. CSS-animated tooltips shown and hidden by two JS functions only work out well on pages where mouseover buttons are e.g. always at line start in a certain table column.

    Lean solutions are requested and will be implemented. A fixed width for tooltips is less of a problem in themes with widgets enabled on at least one side. But given lean solutions don’t perform as well, they cannot be more than an option.

    Many thanks for drawing attention on the need to update the plugin’s tooling!

    Best regards.

    Plugin Contributor pewgeuges



    The plugin’s tooling is now updated in that the use of jQuery.browser has been redacted in js/ It was used in 6?instances, but its use can easily be avoided. Every related line is commented in the file header. Our current developer version 2.1.1d4 is up-to-date and available at

    I’ve ended up installing the Enable jQuery Migrate Helper plugin and do see 5?instances of the warning you quoted when checking back with our current v2.1.0. Fortunately that is gone. On the project a teammate alerted me yesterday about the need to keep in sync with WordPress’ updating jQuery effort, but I couldn’t seem to get the tooltips to work on jQuery?UI without jQuery?Tools, even after updating the code to the new complicated syntax with little backcompat, and despite downloading and enqueuing a custom package for the tooltip function including all effects.

    Thank you again for your kind reminder.

    Best regards,

    @pewgeuges of the Footnotes plugin team

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