• Hi,

    I’ve search on WordPress, Google, Envato, Codecayan and nowhere I didn’t find what I want.

    I want a jquery search form plugin with:
    – 2 search boxes(not one box, must be like travel search, users search between cities).
    – autosuggest, autoselect the first option
    – the dropdown to display first 5-10 in list(not interminable dropdown list).
    – the autosuggest values to be declared by me(not search in WP database for post or pages, products).
    – suggestion start after user input at 2 letters, not at first
    – the target URL on submit button to can be declared by me – Because I already have my database saved and the output results interface, I just need THE SEARCH FORM, a jquery autossugest search form with 2 boxes and 1 submit button to go to my target URL WHERE AUTOSUGGESTION VALUES are DECLARED BY ME!

    Nobody think that someone can ported to WordPress with his database and need a simple jquery search form where he must have the option to customize his autosuggestions and target url?

    USEFUL managed autosuggestion and 2 boxes search form:
    -air travel websites(search air tickets between cities, countries)
    -travel websites(search destinations between cities, countries.)
    -transport websites(search for available routes on logistic or people transportation)
    -rent a car websites(customer choose extra insurance between countries)
    -insurance websites(customer choose covered time dates)

    *** In this domains we need a search form who search in our exactly optimized routes, in this niches PEOPLE NEED exactly optimized services, if you don’t have it optimized people must know exactly you don’t have optimized and not to serve other content from website “for the sake of show user something”!

    Please if someone knows a such plugin inform me!

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