JS bug prevents uploading media in Page/Post editor
This week I noticed that when I try to upload media on the Edit Page screen it fails. Essentially after clicking “Select Files” and choosing a file, nothing happens, or I get a 1/10th filled progress bar. When I deactivate this plugin, everything works again. I’ve swapped out WordPress versions 4.1, 4.1.1, and 4.1.2, and this bug occurs in each of them.
It is due to a Javascript error in the following file:
The error itself occurs on line 83 and the message (in Chrome) is:
“Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘text’ of undefined”It occurs in this function:
info:function(){var a,b=this.queue,c=0;b.length&&(a=this.queue.find(function(a,b){return c=b,a.get("uploading")}),this.$index.text(c+1),this.$total.text(b.length),this.$filename.html(a?this.filename(a.get("filename")):""))}
I’ve done testing in Chromium (ubuntu) and Chrome for Safari. Hopefully the error info is helpful. Thanks for a great plugin.
– Micah
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