• Florian TIAR



    I have the last stable version of WordPress and Woocommerce,

    I have properly register the flickity lib, it works well with my galleries, but when I am on a product page or in my cart, all JS things doesn’t work anymore, I can’t add a product to my cart, I can’t update my cart, etc.

    When I remove the Flickity lib, Woocommerce JS works great, So I don’t understand what’s wrong.

    I have also created a ticket on the Github repo of Flickity : https://github.com/metafizzy/flickity/issues/291

    Any help or workaround to fix this issue will be helpfull.

    Feel free to contact me by mail or some private space to get my website URI (can’t let it public).

    Kind regards,

    Thanks for your amazing work.


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