• This module broke thickbox on my site. I’m ready to accept that the heart of the issue is my theme or NextGen Gallery and not this module, but a small hack to this module’s JS file fixed the problem. In the $(‘body’).on() call on line 60 of google-acl.dev.js, I removed the first two patterns in the selector list. In other words this:

    $('body').on( 'click', 'a[href*=/comment-page-], a[href*=cpage\=], #comments .navigation a', function(event){

    became this:

    $('body').on( 'click', '#comments .navigation a', function(event){

    I would recommend fixing for an upcoming release but, like I said, I’m not confident this is a problem rooted in AJAX Comments Loading. Also, I don’t know what I’ve broken with this hack. My thickbox is back and AJAX comments works, but what might be lurking?…


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