• Resolved joy0114



    I’ve got a leaflet.js file (for openstreet map) called 2 times, by 2 different plugin (shipping plugins on checkout page).

    I’ve made the 2 plugins call strictly the same leaflet.js file at unpkg.com
    Then I set the localization so that these files are loaded from my host.
    Everything works as expected:
    A first 302 request, then a second request to the Litespeed-optimized JS file.

    My questions:

    Since the 2 LS-optimized files are identical (same name), why isn’t the first one loaded in the browser cache to prevent the second one from being loaded from my host?

    Is it normal for the first 302 request to take so long (around 1s)?

    Because in the end, I have 2 one-second requests (the “302s”), then 2 requests to the optimized file (approx. 40ms), i.e. a total of 2080ms (approx.).
    If I don’t localize, I have 2 requests of about 300ms, for a total of 600ms.
    This is counter-productive for me…

    Thanks for any advice.

    Best regards

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  • Plugin Support litetim


    Please create a ticket by sending email to support at?litespeedtech.com
    In this email pleas add:

    • this www.ads-software.com link
    • report from your site: toolbox -> report -> click “send to LiteSpeed” and send the string
    • also request to be assigned to a developer
    Thread Starter joy0114


    Hi Litetim,

    Thanks for your answer.

    I’m going to do that.
    Thanks again and have a good day !

    Best regards

    PS: For now, I switch towards “solved”, and if I get an answer which could be useful to other users, I will come back with the resolution …

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