JS function name collision with WP ERP prevents saving settings
serializeObject is not a core jquery function, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17488660/difference-between-serialize-and-serializeobject-jquery
So, although not in core, serializeObject() is “known” in the jQuery datasphere, see https://plugins.jquery.com/serializeObject/. Since this is a “known” function it’s very dangerous to copy it under its original name, as other plugins may do the same – and there is no guarantee that a such-named function will in all cases work the same way.
erp.js defines a function serializeObject(), the non-minified version of the function is found in assets/js/erp.js at line 621:
jQuery.fn.serializeObject = function() { var o = {}; var a = this.serializeArray(); jQuery.each(a, function() { if (o[this.name] !== undefined) { if (!o[this.name].push) { o[this.name] = [o[this.name]]; } o[this.name].push(this.value || ''); } else { o[this.name] = this.value || ''; } }); return o; };
MailPoet 3 itself uses an exact copy of https://benalman.com/projects/jquery-misc-plugins/#serializeobject (minimised) at the end of assets/dist/js/mailpoet.651e3d8d.chunk.js:
(function($,undefined){ '$:nomunge'; // Used by YUI compressor. $.fn.serializeObject = function(){ var obj = {}; $.each( this.serializeArray(), function(i,o){ var n = o.name, v = o.value; obj[n] = obj[n] === undefined ? v : $.isArray( obj[n] ) ? obj[n].concat( v ) : [ obj[n], v ]; }); return obj; }; })(jQuery);
The above two versions are written in differing styles, but look as if they probably do the same (I’m a bit rusty in JS).
Bounce Handler MailPoet uses an own function, in assets/js/mailpoet.js at line 18971 (but this is overridden by the same-named function from ERP):
$.fn.serializeObject = function(coerce) { var obj = {}, coerce_types = { 'true': !0, 'false': !1, 'null': null }; // Iterate over all name=value pairs. $.each( this.serializeArray(), function(j,v){ var key = v.name, val = v.value, cur = obj, i = 0, // If key is more complex than 'foo', like 'a[]' or 'a[b][c]', split it // into its component parts. keys = key.split( '][' ), keys_last = keys.length - 1; // If the first keys part contains [ and the last ends with ], then [] // are correctly balanced. if ( /\[/.test( keys[0] ) && /\]$/.test( keys[ keys_last ] ) ) { // Remove the trailing ] from the last keys part. keys[ keys_last ] = keys[ keys_last ].replace( /\]$/, '' ); // Split first keys part into two parts on the [ and add them back onto // the beginning of the keys array. keys = keys.shift().split('[').concat( keys ); keys_last = keys.length - 1; } else { // Basic 'foo' style key. keys_last = 0; } // Coerce values. if ( coerce ) { val = val && !isNaN(val) ? +val // number : val === 'undefined' ? undefined // undefined : coerce_types[val] !== undefined ? coerce_types[val] // true, false, null : val; // string } if ( keys_last ) { // Complex key, build deep object structure based on a few rules: // * The 'cur' pointer starts at the object top-level. // * [] = array push (n is set to array length), [n] = array if n is // numeric, otherwise object. // * If at the last keys part, set the value. // * For each keys part, if the current level is undefined create an // object or array based on the type of the next keys part. // * Move the 'cur' pointer to the next level. // * Rinse & repeat. for ( ; i <= keys_last; i++ ) { key = keys[i] === '' ? cur.length : keys[i]; cur = cur[key] = i < keys_last ? cur[key] || ( keys[i+1] && isNaN( keys[i+1] ) ? {} : [] ) : val; } } else { // Simple key, even simpler rules, since only scalars and shallow // arrays are allowed. if ( $.isArray( obj[key] ) ) { // val is already an array, so push on the next value. obj[key].push( val ); } else if ( obj[key] !== undefined ) { // val isn't an array, but since a second value has been specified, // convert val into an array. obj[key] = [ obj[key], val ]; } else { // val is a scalar. obj[key] = val; } } }); return obj; };
This is a much more complex function than the other two, and works quite differently. Since the datasphere seems to have more or less a consensus on what serializeObject should do, then any function which works differently really must be named differently – otherwise we get horrible collisions and something stops working. Like BHM’s save settings )-:
Apart from that: Great plugin, and we’re really thankful for it!
Tim Reeves
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