• Resolved hebhansen


    I’m trying to restore files. Actually I thing are uploaded and ready for install, but I am getting an error:

    Retrieving (if necessary) and preparing backup files…

    updraft_send_command: error: UpdraftPlus: could not parse the JSON (502)

    Que pasa?

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  • Thread Starter hebhansen


    Now this error:


    This database backup has the following WordPress tables excluded: ahc_daily_visitors_stats, ahc_online_users


    If you do not want to restore all your database tables, then choose some to exclude here.(...)
    Select All | Deselect All
    Thread Starter hebhansen



    Do not close your browser and then error to establish connection

    Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    “updraft_send_command: error: UpdraftPlus: could not parse the JSON (502)”

    The usual cause of the error you are getting is a timeout in PHP-FPM. Can you consult your web hosting company to check if that is the case, and what they suggest? (What is the timeout? The default is 60 seconds in PHP-FPM; so the server would have to be hugely overloaded for that… so I suspect there is more to it, but the server admin is the person with the access to find out).

    “Do not close your browser and then error to establish connection”
    > Check this with your host/server admin too as the connection seems to be unstable. They might be blocking the connection or your server has reached its resource limit.


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