@conorbrace – We do all of our user feedback/information gathering stuff with BPS Pro folks since we have contact info for them. One of these days we plan on creating some kind of online website based form thing where people can add feedback/ideas/suggestions/requests and of course complaints. We did attempt to do something like that a long time ago, but it did not work out very well because if you cannot verify someone is actually a BPS user and is genuinely interested in saying something productive then typically you will get a lot of obvious random verbal attacks, slander junk, useless, etc. feedback.
The general rule with WP is that you do not automatically do something without telling the user what is going to be done. So it’s a catch 22 situation with the new JTC-Lite feature since it is now considered a standard BPS feature and not something extra or additional. ie since JTC-Lite is considered a standard feature/functionality then logically it should be turned On by default. On the other hand, for folks who already had BPS installed and JTC-Lite is a new feature that was automatically setup and turned On during the BPS upgrade then I believe where we dropped the ball was by not notifying folks of the new JTC-Lite feature. Doing that also generates complaints from folks since we have done that in the past with other new BPS features. ie “why am I all of sudden a Notice about something – just make it go and do not show me any dumb messages”.
In my experience the reality of creating anything new comes with a transition period where someone is not going to be happy with whatever the new thing is. So we were expecting a fair amount of complaints since that is the norm that should settle down naturally after a month or so. It would be great if it were possible to make all of the people happy all of the time, but that is being idealistic and not realistic. ??
From a Developer perspective you try to achieve the highest possible satisfaction percentage you can achieve and then just expect some complaints no matter what you do. It is important to remind myself that typically when folks are happy about something I will never hear any feedback from them. Another important thing that I remind myself is to be detached when being attacked or dealing with someone who is upset or angry. I feel bad that they feel that way, but I do my best not to allow myself to get sucked into that negative state of mind because it is a non-productive/non-conducive state of mind. No one’s perfect, but the good news for me is I am getting better at not being reactive since that ends up making me feel negative too. ??
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