• Resolved Nick Sarro


    I made a large form/application and it just wont send.
    I created a short one to test and it works fine.

    What can be happening?

    <p>Your First Name<br />
    [text YourFullName]</p>
    <p>Your Email Address<br />
    [text YourEmailAddress]</p>
    <p>Your Phone Number<br />
    [tel YourPhoneNumber]</p>
    <p>Residents Full Name<br />
    [text ResidentFullName]</p>
    <p>Residents Age<br />
    [number Age]</p>
    <p>Male/Female<br />
    [radio MaleFemale "Male" "Female"]</p>
    <p>Married/Widowed/Single<br />
    [radio mws "Married" "Widowed " "Single"]</p>
    <p>Name Of Residence<br />
    [text NameOfResidence]</p>
    <p>Residence Street Address<br />
    [text Street]</p>
    <p>Residence Town/City<br />
    [text Towncity]</p>
    <p>How Long Have They Been At This Residence<br />
    [text HowLongHaveTheyBeenAtThisResidence]</p>
    <p>Walks Independently?<br />
    [radio walks "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Uses Walker<br />
    [radio UsesWalker "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Wheelchair<br />
    [radio wheelchair "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Confined To Bed?<br />
    [radio confinedtobed "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Spoken Language<br />
    [text SpokenLanguage]</p>
    <p>Religion / Importance Of Religion<br />
    [text ReligionImportanceOfReligion]</p>
    <p>Speech<br />
    [radio speech "Able To Communicate Independently" "Trouble Communicating " "Unable To Speak"]</p>
    <p>Eyesight<br />
    [radio eyesight "Good" "Wears Glasses" "Blind"]</p>
    <p>Hearing<br />
    [radio Hearing "Good" "A Little hard Of hearing" "Deaf"]</p>
    <p>Eating<br />
    [radio Eating "Independent " "Needs Assistance"]</p>
    <p>Toileting<br />
    [radio toileting "Independent " "Needs Assistance"]</p>
    <p>How Is Their Memory<br />
    [text Memory]</p>
    <p>Understanding<br />
    [text understanding]</p>
    <p>Family Members<br />
    Please State If Listed Family Members Are Living or Deceased.
    [textarea FamilyMembers]</p>
    <p>Past Employment<br />
    [textarea PastEmployment]</p>
    <p>Interests/Hobbies/Favorite Things Now And Growing Up<br />
    [textarea InterestsHobbiesFavoriteThingsNowAndGrowingUp]</p>
    <p>Subjects To Avoid If Any?<br />
    [textarea SubjectsToAvoidIfAny]</p>
    <p>Would You Like Us To Take Photos?<br />
    [radio pictures "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Can We Bring Flowers/Candy/Other Treats<br />
    [radio flowers "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Family Concerns<br />
    [textarea Concerns]</p>


Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Author Takayuki Miyoshi


    What do you have in Mail settings?

    Setting Up Mail

    Thread Starter Nick Sarro


    This is my Mail code:

    The settings are exact to what the link you sent to me says.

    From: [YourFullName] <[YourEmailAddress]>
    Subject: Resident Profile Application 
    Contact Information:
    Name: [YourFullName]
    Email: [YourEmailAddress]
    Phone: [YourPhoneNumber]
    Resident Information:
    Name: [ResidentFullName]
    Age: [numberAge]
    M/F: [MaleFemale]
    Married/Widowed/Single: [mws]
    Name Of Residence: [NameOfResidence]
    Residence Street Address: [Street]
    Residence Town/City: [Towncity]
    Years At This At This Residence:  [HowLongHaveTheyBeenAtThisResidence]
    Walks Independently: [walks]
    Uses Walker: [UsesWalker]
    Wheelchair: [wheelchair]
    Confined To Bed: [confinedtobed]
    Spoken Language: [SpokenLanguage]
    Religion: [ReligionImportanceOfReligion]
    Speech: [speech]
    Eyesight: [eyesight]
    Hearing: [Hearing]
    Eating: [Eating]
    Toileting: [toileting]
    Memory: [Memory]
    Understanding: [understanding]
    Family Members: [FamilyMembers]
    Past Employment: [PastEmployment]
    Interests/Hobbies/Favorite Things Now And Growing Up: [InterestsHobbiesFavoriteThingsNowAndGrowingUp]
    Subjects To Avoid If Any? : [SubjectsToAvoidIfAny]
    Would You Like Us To Take Photos?: [pictures]
    Can We Bring Flowers/Candy/Other Treats: [flowers]
    Family Concerns? : [Concerns]
    This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Family At Heart (https://www.familyatheart.info)
    Thread Starter Nick Sarro


    Got it….. The “From” section had a broken code. I guess that was causing it to send.

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