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  • Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Hello Jack,

    You mean, when you edit a post and hover the categories with the mouse cursor the heart/permalink is not appearing?

    Do you have a Javascript error in your console?

    Thread Starter jackdcornwall


    Thanks very much for the fast reply,

    So I am not a developer, but I am trying to do what you asked using the steps on this:

    Step 1: both firefox and chrome

    Step 2: adding define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); does not fix the issue

    Step 3: I get this error:

    load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-position,jq…:9 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1

    qtip.2.2.min.js:2 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token *
    bgnp-meta-box.js?ver[0]=jquery:3 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).qtip is not a function

    Anything i can do to fix?

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Ah okay, so this is not related to WP Category Permalink. Another plugin’s script is crashing, so others scripts aren’t loaded after this crash. You should disable the plugin which is using “bgnp-meta-box.js”. Try to disable the plugin one by one until you find the culprit, and of course you should also tell the author ??

    Thread Starter jackdcornwall


    Thank you Jordy! Will leave positive review!

    Thread Starter jackdcornwall


    found it already, there is a clue when i expanded the JS error pannels. It was Google News Editors Picks Feed Generator

    Plugin Author Jordy Meow


    Super! I’m glad you found it ??

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