I’m sorry for the delay but we can certainly help you with a refund if you like. Please reach out to us at [email protected].
However, I did want to point out that though you ordered the cleaning on Wednesday you came back Thursday to tell us the site was fine only to tell us the reverse late yesterday afternoon. We have a queue because of the recent rise in exploits thanks to a certain ‘security researcher’ who has been publicizing exploits which are being actively used maliciously as a result. It’s created a backlog and we are trying hard to work through them all while maintaining our high quality of work.
Your scans are likely broken because of the compromise you had before purchasing Wordfence. The security analyst working with you will be able to ask the CSE support team for help once it is cleaned.
Lastly, because this is a premium service the moderators may flag this review. They have rules about discussing any paid features in the free forums. If so please respond to the ticket that we are already working with you on in our system.