• My Woocommerce website runs Raindrops theme. I know Raindrops doesn’t declare Woocommerce support, but it was working just fine until I updated the Raindrops theme today. I found an error on my static home page with the Woocommerce Product Image appearing twice, when it should only appear once. I just downloaded the theme so I can modify the page.php file…

    Anyways here is the url lystaddesign.com . The problem really stands out because the featured images for the regular pages don’t have double images. I don’ know if I should try the page.php “woocommerce_content()” fix, or try using hooks on the Raindrops function.php file

    I’d really appreciate any help that you can offer.

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  • Theme Author nobita


    Hi victorlystad

    I feel this ploblem was caused by styling of form woocommerce-ordering

    source of double images

    <li class="post-181 product type-product status-publish has-post-thumbnail shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-simple instock">
    	<a href="https://lystaddesign.com/product/bambi-and-friends/">
    		<img width="582" height="435" src="https://lystaddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/Bambi_mural_21.jpg" class="attachment-shop_catalog wp-post-image" alt="Bambi_mural_2" />
    		<h3><span class="h2-thumb"><img width="48" height="36" src="https://lystaddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/Bambi_mural_21-401x300.jpg" class="attachment-48x48 wp-post-image" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span><span class="entry-title-text">Bambi and Friends</span></h3>
    	<span class="price"><span class="amount">$800.00</span></span>
    	<a href="/?add-to-cart=181" rel="nofollow" data-product_id="181" data-product_sku="" data-quantity="1" class="button add_to_cart_button product_type_simple">Add to cart</a>

    source of single image

    <li class="product-category product first">
    	<a href="https://lystaddesign.com/product-category/you-know-its-serious-when-you-have-t-shirts/">
    		<img src="https://lystaddesign.com/wp-content/uploads/LakeRidge_Music_2014_small.jpg" alt="T-shirts and Vinyl Sign Art" width="1024" height="612" />
    			T-shirts and Vinyl Sign Art <mark class="count">(1)</mark>		</h3>

    That the difference of this source means

    Post has featured image or not.

    The size of the featured image in the loop display is displayed in the following size

    <img width="48" height="36"

    In some style specifications of influence, image size has been expanded

    Maybe in this, you will be able to solve this problem

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter victorlystad


    Thank you for the suggestion nobita. I removed both of the pages that the images were on and the problem is still there but now everything looks nicer and the same size. I still have double images.


    Is there a light box feature in Raindrops? I have been looking but I cant find one.

    I found this from woocommerce and it says that I need to turn off the lightbox in Raindrops.

    Turn Off Lightboxes

    Theme Author nobita


    For example

    Open style.css

    add below bottom of style.css

    li.product .h2-thumb img{


    For example, the following plug-ins, seems to properly operate in Raindrops theme


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