• Resolved psamathe


    I don’t use CDN (none) and have never connected to QUIC and before and after update all CDN options are “Off” but suddenly I’m getting WordPress warnings about


    You must have Domain Key first before linking to QUIC.cloud.

    I don’t want a domain key, I don’t want CDNs (anybodies) so why all these warnings everywhere (even on non Litespeed plug-in pages).

    I’ve reverted to a pre version 3 plug-in which works (straight forward settings, no warnings everywhere (in WordPress).

    Is this a bug or daftness by LiteSpeed or do I need to find a different cache plug-in?

    These changes seem to have moved settings all over the place – rather a mess where before a “Settings” page with all the tabs on, now different pages with different tabs and big warnings about options disabled. As I say a mess to achieve what?

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  • Thread Starter psamathe


    And WordPress (my site) has just sent an e-mail

    Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.

    In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, LiteSpeed Cache.

    Plugin Support LiteSpeed Lisa


    I’m sorry this has been such a frustrating experience. I will pass this entire thread along to the developer.

    In the meantime, my only suggestion is to try temporarily disabling Wordfence, turning those LSCache options I mentioned previously OFF, and then reenabling Wordfence. I suspect it is the attempted communication w/the QC servers that WF is flagging as problematic. Once those options are disabled, WF should no longer have an issue with LSCache.

    Thread Starter psamathe


    As V3 is completely changing loads of unrelated settings all over the place (like the CSS Minify, CSS Combine, JS Minify, JS Combine, Generate Critical CSS, etc. (enabling loads of stuff I’d have to go through every setting to see what it’s enabled and re-test the site to see if any of the options it’s changed have broken it (e.g. CSS Combine and JS Combine to break the site).

    I’ve reverted to pre-V3 and interestingly on revert the settings also reverted. So I’m not particularly confident in the V3 plug-in so maybe safest to stay pre-V3 at the moment.

    Plugin Support LiteSpeed Lisa


    In your case, yes. There is some undiscovered issue lurking in your settings and we’ll need to troubleshoot. For now, v2 is probably the safest route.

    When you have some time and are ready to try v3 again, it might be helpful if you could drop by our Slack workspace, and let us troubleshoot along with you. We haven’t seen any errors switching from v2 to v3 in our own testing, and seeing it happen on your site might give us some valuable intel. Maybe in a few weeks, when things have settled down.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Thread Starter psamathe


    Let me know what and when.

    I’m very reserved about installing plug-ins (because so many don’t seem to tidy-up properly) and I’m not (currently) a Slack user. But happy to help get things sorted if I can without too much software installation/registration.

    Plugin Support LiteSpeed Lisa


    Understood. Just get in touch, in whatever way you are comfortable ([email protected] works, if you don’t want to sign up for Slack). We’re spread pretty thin right now, but after a few weeks have passed we should be in a better position to help troubleshoot ??

    Thread Starter psamathe


    Information for yourselves/developer about the Wordfence blocking the plug-in saving the settings for V3 plug-in. Looking through the logs it looks like the reported issue was
    https://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-page_optm and was blocked by firewall for XSS: Cross Site Scripting in POST body: media-placeholder_resp_svg=%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20width%3D%22%7Bwidth%7D%22%20height%3D%… at https://psamathe.net/wp-admin/admin.php?page=litespeed-page_optm

    Just info to help anybody looking into the issue (I’ve changed the name of the domain as I noticed a lot of BOTs seem to “home in” on a website address published on this (and other) forums).

    Plugin Support LiteSpeed Lisa


    Thanks for the info ??

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