• i use iweb to design and maintain my site and then upload it to my own hosting site. the url is https://www.yogiev.com. since i’m not a .mac user i am not able to allow visitors to my site to make comments to my blog. someone suggested wordpress and i’ve been reading about it and checked out some themes. but i really don’t want to change the look of the blog page as it will no longer match the look for the rest of my website. does anyone know if it’s possible simply to use wordpress in order to allow comments to my existing blog? and how do i do this? i’d like to figure this out before installing wordpress. thanks anybody/everybody.

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  • Yes, WordPress is by default set up to allow comments.

    You’d have to import your blog into WordPress, however. I’m not sure (if I understand correctly) that you can use WordPress to allow comments on an existing non-WordPress blog.

    Great design, by the way. You can also make WordPress take on the look of your existing blog; however, it will take some work.

    You want a stand-alone comments widget – Haloscan is pretty good.

    Aha. Good tip, tamebay.

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