after the theme was updated in May, I had to go back and do the same changes again. But after Ive done the changes in entry.php my blog page disappeared like the last time. This time, though I cannot remember what I did to ractify it. can you please have a look and see and error? it says there;s a syntax error, but i cannot find it. HELP!
* Main template for displaying a post within a feed
* @package kale
$kale_blog_feed_meta_show = kale_get_option(‘kale_blog_feed_meta_show’);
$kale_blog_feed_date_show = kale_get_option(‘kale_blog_feed_date_show’);
$kale_blog_feed_category_show = kale_get_option(‘kale_blog_feed_category_show’);
$kale_blog_feed_author_show = kale_get_option(‘kale_blog_feed_author_show’);
$kale_blog_feed_comments_show = kale_get_option(‘kale_blog_feed_comments_show’);
$kale_example_content = kale_get_option(‘kale_example_content’);
if($kale_entry == ‘small’) { $kale_post_class = ‘entry-small’; $kale_image_size = ‘kale-thumbnail’; }
if($kale_entry == ‘full’) { $kale_post_class = ‘entry-full’; $kale_image_size = ‘full’; }
#variables passed from calling pages
if(!isset($kale_frontpage_large_post)) $kale_frontpage_large_post = ‘no’;
<div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” <?php post_class(‘entry ‘ . $kale_post_class); ?>>
<div class=”entry-content”>
<div class=”entry-thumb”>
<?php if(has_post_thumbnail()) { ?>
“><?php the_post_thumbnail( $kale_image_size, array( ‘alt’ => get_the_title(), ‘class’=>’img-responsive’ ) ); ?>
<?php } else if($kale_example_content == 1) { ?>
” alt=”<?php the_title_attribute() ?>” class=”img-responsive” />
<?php } ?>
<?php if($kale_blog_feed_meta_show == 1 && $kale_blog_feed_date_show == 1) { ?>
<div class=”entry-date date updated”>“><?php echo get_the_date(); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(get_the_title() != ”) { ?>
<h3 class=”entry-title”>” title=”<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>”><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
<?php } else { ?>
<h3 class=”entry-title”>“><?php esc_html_e(‘Post ID: ‘, ‘kale’); the_ID(); ?></h3>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($kale_entry == ‘full’ ) { ?>
<div class=”entry-summary”><?php the_content(); ?><?php wp_link_pages(array(
‘before’ => ‘<p>’,
‘after’ => ‘</p>’,
‘link_before’ => __( ‘Part ‘, ‘kale’ )
)); ?></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class=”entry-summary”><?php the_excerpt(); ?><?php wp_link_pages(array(
‘before’ => ‘<p>’,
‘after’ => ‘</p>’,
‘link_before’ => __( ‘Part ‘, ‘kale’ )
)); ?></div>
<?php if($kale_blog_feed_meta_show == 1) { ?>
<div class=”entry-meta”>
$kale_temp = array();
if($kale_blog_feed_category_show == 1) $kale_temp[] = ‘<div class=”entry-category”>’ . get_the_category_list(‘, ‘). ‘</div>’;
if($kale_blog_feed_author_show == 1) $kale_temp[] = ‘<div class=”entry-author”>’ . __(‘by ‘, ‘kale’)
. ‘<span class=”vcard author”><span class=”fn”>’
. get_the_author()
. ‘</span></span>’
. ‘</div>’;
if($kale_blog_feed_date_show == 1 && $kale_entry == ‘vertical’)
$kale_temp[] = ‘<br /><div class=”entry-date date updated”>’ . get_the_date() . ‘</div>’;
if ( ! post_password_required() && comments_open() && $kale_blog_feed_comments_show == 1)
$kale_temp[] = ‘<div class=”entry-comments”>‘. sprintf( _nx( ‘%1$s Comment’, ‘%1$s Comments’, get_comments_number(), ‘comments title’, ‘kale’ ), number_format_i18n( get_comments_number() ) ) .’</div>’;
$kale_str = ”;
if($kale_temp) $kale_str = implode(‘<span class=”sep”> – </span>’, $kale_temp);
echo $kale_str;
<?php } ?>