• I get this error after publishing or editting a post/page in Safari, running on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.3. I don’t get it everytime, but most of the time. Reloading the Dashboard is the solution.

    Oh, and I’m using K2 RC6.

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    I’ve seen this before with Leopard upgraded users, here’s another I found:

    I also have an issue accessing one of our hosts via https://speakeasy.net, and I see this as well.

    Some groups are noting Safari just seems to be problematic:

    As a hybrid, all mac, Art & IT Director, I’d say a couple things:
    1) Test it out in Firefox – if it works in the fox, then you know it’s just Safari
    2) You can try and reset safari’s preferences – quit safari, and go dump this file:
    Harddrive > Your user folder > Library > Preferences > com.apple.Safari.plist

    as well as the folder:
    Harddrive > Your user folder > Library > Caches > Safari

    That’ll delete some of the old preferences

    If that doesn’t work, a good last ditch resort that seems to cure ills:
    1) download the combo update from apple:

    2) Run this, restart your compuer

    That can clean out any buggy installations and start you fresh.

    I’ve never seen anyone lose data doing the above, but of course, I always vouche for a backup. You can email me at brady at bradyjfrey.com if you have any other questions, but I’ll keep an eye out for this. Again, seems like it’s a desktop issue more than a server issue, but worth testing before you try my adjustments.

    I get this error too in Safari (Leopard). The post is published even though that error appears.

    I have noticed that I get a lot of errors lately in either Safari or Firefox. It takes a long time to perform various actions, such as creating a post, or deleting a post, and it locks up the entire site as this action is performed. I was starting to think it was my web host, but the only time I experience connectivity issues with my website is when I create/update/delete something on my WordPress blog.

    I experienced this same problem creating a blog entry directly from Flickr. It makes me wonder if it’s an issue with the database. I’ll need to try these actions from my Windows PC at work tomorrow and see if I get the same results.

    Is it possible to rebuild or clean/optimize the WordPress database to correct any issues?

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