• I have just installed wordpress, and a theme. But then i keep getting logged out every second. I can do any changes or anything else, in a second i get logged out, just type password get logged in a can se the controlpanel and im logged out again.

    Have tryed to delete coockies close all and start over, but same happens all the time. Using Safari, Firefox but same happens. It is impossible to admin the site?

    Did installation 1 may.

    Hope someone knows why

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  • Hi Al,

    I would try to disable plugins one by one, and see which plugin can cause this?

    If you can, do this inside admin page, if not, rename the plugin name’s folder one by one via FTP or in cPanel.

    Hello Al!

    I’m sorry your WordPress is not working as expected, but we can definitely reform its behavior ??

    One question I have: When did this start happening? Was this right after the install, or after a theme selection and was your install manual, or did your host have a one-click installation method?

    And, because I am a compulsive liar (apparently) I have a second and third question: How many minutes pass before your WordPress logs you out? Is this happening even if you select “Remember Me”?

    Thread Starter al64021


    It started to happen right after first login, but got worse as i installed a theme. After that i have no chanse to edit anything. When i first login to controlpanel i can stay there for 1 minute then the logout box apper. If i go to edit theme i can stay there til i try to put on a widget. Then im getting multiplied boxes that im logged out and have to login. After this its not possible to login again. The login box apper in 2 diferent places. Have to close all pages and start over.

    I also have tryed to login, and log out before i get kicked out. Reset coockies etc. Close browser open again and mark remember me and login. But it does not help, mark remember me is gone next time im kicked out?

    So basically i cant do anything?

    I used softalicous in Cpanel to install WP.



    I wonder if you could check your WordPress general settings.

    Could you let me know if the WordPress Address is the exact same as the Site Address?

    You can get there by going to your wp-admin page=>Settings=>General.

    It will be the fields after Tagline.

    Hopefully it lets you get there before logging you out!

    If it is different, please try making them match, and let me know if the problem still occurs.

    Thread Starter al64021


    if i go to settings and general this is what i get in my adress line: /wp-admin/options-general.php

    The fields you want to look for are on the page itself.

    Usually, they are the third and fourth fields on that page.

    But your URL bar does confirm you are in the right place!

    Thread Starter al64021


    Both my WordPress-adresse (URL) and Internett-adresse (URL) is the same.

    Try deactivating all plugins, test, then if its still happening, reactivate all plugins and test once more!

    Thread Starter al64021


    There was only 1 plugin, active: limited login.

    I deactiveted that but still the same.


    Could you create a second WordPress, using a different folder, and see if the same results happen? Perhaps something went wrong with the automatic installation?

    Thread Starter al64021


    As i havent got any work done ??
    Just set the world record in loggin attemt, i will delete all and try again.

    Thx so fare

    Of course! I am here for you. Just let me know what happens!

    Thread Starter al64021


    Did a reinstalling.

    Login to site, do not install anything. Go to Dashboard click on Customize Site. And then it starts all over again get logged out ??

    Can even start to work at anything.

    Can you try another browser just to check all things off our list? If the same happens, let’s try a manual install.

    Just follow the Famous 5 Minute install, and I bet we can get this resolved!

    If its STILL happening after the manual try, then I suggest contacting your host, because at that point something is wrong, and it may not be with WordPress!

    Thread Starter al64021


    I think i found what was wrong. After going throug all you answer, i checked everything twice.
    It seems like softalicous was adding / for no reason to where it installed the WP. So link become like this .com//en/wp-admin/ But i sholud be like this .com/en/wp-admin/

    No i have been loged in for 10 minuts with no problem, even have added a few plugins and not been kicked out :)))

    Hopfully this was the bug ??

    Thx for your help, checking the adresses help.


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