• pkulak


    Is there any way to keep wordpress from inserting BR tags? It’s really annoying to have to have NO new lines in my entire post just to keep my blog from peppering it with hard line breaks.

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  • WPChina


    Check this thread for more info:



    Here you go… your question (and those of others) prompted me to deal with the same issues, so I thought I’d post my solution here:

    1) I am NOT using the WYSIWYG interface (just the one with quick tags)
    2) backed up the quicktags.js file in wp-includes/js/ folder
    3) opened quicktags.js (I used Dreamweaver 8 for this, but textpad or simpletext or similar should work) and added just below the similar code that adds the ul tag

    edButtons[edButtons.length] =
    new edButton('ed_p'

    now the client/user can first click the p quicktag, add content, the at the end, click the toggled /p quicktag.

    tags GONE!

    btw, this is using wp 2


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