Yes but not as you would expect.
A couple of things so I understand and may be able to help you. How are you configured? Are you just using WHMCS Bridge or have you licensed and downloaded WHMCS Bridge Pro?
Just to level set, I am assuming you are running the latest version of WHMCS (5.3.11) and WHMCS Bridge Pro and the latest version of WordPress 4.1. Moreover, WHMCS Bridge Pro is designed and can run across two different hosts on two separate servers. I got it working in a number of implementations, for the purposes of this guidance I am assuming that you are running two hosts on a single server, the hosts, WordPress Site ( and your WHMCS installation ( are served from two different IPs.
Let me know if you need assistance evaluating your hosting platform for this environment, it is critical that you have privileged access.
The next thing to confirm is your version of PHP installation, I run PHP 5.4.36. There are specific reasons not to upgrade to version 5.5. Next make sure whether you are running on a single server or a two server configuration that you have Apache (Server version: Apache/2.4.10 ) compiled for Ion Cube Loader: Windows implementations are beyond the scope of my knowledge.
I know from personal experience this configuration works, IonCube Loader 4.6.1 for PHP. If much of this is beyond your scope, I can help you obtain hosting with a cPanel that will compile the web server for you.
Note, I have not mentioned any “programming” yet. As we embark on this journey at most I am assuming you can configure plugins in WordPress and use shortcodes, have access to SSH and FTP and can configure security keys. Lastly, please note this configuration is not for the faint of heart but worth the effort if your are willing to stick it through. I am also assuming that you are root administrator of your system and have the skills and authority to change file permissions etc..
OK, just so I understand your configuration are you also running your hosts on “https” or “http”? This will become necessary knowledge later when you configure your WordPress and WHMCS installations.
I strongly recommend you obtain certificates for your hosts early and plan your configuration early with security in mind built tactic from the ground up!!!
I can help you purchase security certificates for your hosts and validate you or your business. IN any case, as you work through this process, I suggest purchasing 128 bit SSL cert. This may seem counter intuitive when presented with higher 256 bit encryption options but to my knowledge, 256 bit SSL certs in theory and practice have been cracked with enough resources, 128 bit have not.
All of that said, please let me know if you would like to proceed. I am certain others will benefit from this shared knowledge. Let me know where you are in your configuration. publishes a great PDF walk through
on the configuration which I strongly suggest as a baseline configuration starting point.
I also have a WHMCS Bridge implementation running on WPML and hacking though the details of getting that operational. I’ll let you know how that progresses.
Once we sync up on the variables mentioned above, I will help you as best that I can.
The Power of X is in shared knowledge!
Best wishes,