• Nick30


    Hi there,

    I was wondering if you can help me please. I use Yoast on our website pages and essentially make sure that a few of the key pages on our website have full green lights throughout in terms of Yoast.

    However, a number of pages on oue website all of a sudden now say that ‘keyword density is 0% & that the keyword was found 0 times.

    I cant figure out why it is saying this as the keywords are clearly on the page and I haven’t changed them – they have all been green in the past.

    It is also saying that they keyword doesn’t appear in the first paragraph, but again, it does and I am at a loss as to what to do next as these pages have always had green lights throughout.

    is anyone able to help please? I have tried everything unfortunately!



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  • Hi Nick30, even though my server runs PHP 5.4, I’ve been experiencing this same issue with WordPress SEO by Yoast: I get keyword density of 0%.

    In my case, older posts, which I have written about a month ago, show the correct keyword density, which they didn’t at the time they were published (when they did show 0%). That’s why I can only presume that this could be due to a caching issue.

    So one idea to try would be to clear cache, either from a caching plugin, or, when applicable, from the server.

    Hello everybody!

    I had the same problem.

    Just now I upgraded to PHP 5.6 (from 5.3, I did not try 5.4 and 5.5) and now
    SEO by Yoast is working fine: It also gives the proper
    keyword density.

    Greetings from Vienna in Austria:)



    I just experienced the same problem after inserting a picture. I removed the picture and saved, and then inserted it again and saved, and that fixed it. I know it’s not making much sense, but it worked ??

    This problem should be solved by updating to WordPress SEO 1.7.3.

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