Hi @silas2209 and all,
Per discussion with Klarna & Krokedil, we now have an planned approach to resolve this issue, and this enhancement is targeted to be included in the next release of the Woo Klarna Payments plugin.
Because the Woo KP plugin is coded to dynamically retrieve payment method info, including the image, from Klarna real-time when the Klarna Payment methods are presented in Woo checkout, there currently isn’t an image available to display in scenarios like this one external to Woo checkout. This dynamic approach works great for Woo checkout real-time to enable payment methods to be driven by Klarna dynamically, specific for each merchant’s Klarna contracted configuration, based on the response of the Klarna Payments create_session call ( documented at: https://developers.klarna.com/documentation/klarna-payments/single-call-descriptions/create-session/) but it did not yet cover the payment method image outside of Woo checkout.
Thanks for your patience for this issue and we’re all looking forward to a resolution soon.