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  • Sometimes when I click like, the button turns into this little dot and nearly disappears. Then if I reload the page, it looks fine. Also, when multiple people like something, it says ” Like (2) Edward Davoly and Todd Abshire and liked this1 ” (it adds a “1” to the word this). Also, when I have it set to just display likes and not the names of the likers, it still displays them anyway (usually).

    Plugin Author darrenmeehan


    Hi pugman, the issues you mentioned should be fixed in today’s 0.1.5 update. There’s still some issues with the plugin, but it’s getting closer to being comfortably usable.

    Wonderful. I just updated and noticed that there is no way to turn off the display of “Show number of people who liked” “Show just the likes”, etc. Is that feature gone? Also, I have always had a problem when it shows the likes, the text goes right over the next comment. I have tried to add a “margin-bottom” in the css, but it doesn’t seem to work correctly. This may be theme related, but do you have any ideas of how to fix this.

    Here is a link:

    (You should see the problem on any post that is liked.. or just like one of the posts and then refresh the page to see the problem).

    Thanks for helping with this plugin!!! ??

    Just for reference purposes, this is what I have added to my css:

    .bp-like.activity_liked .activity-meta, .bp-like.blogpost_liked .activity-meta, .users-who-like, .mini a.view-likes, .mini a.hide-likes
    { margin-bottom: 30px !important; }

    If I didn’t do this, everything gets overlapped… and if there are several likes on a post, the names get overlapped even with this css.

    Plugin Author darrenmeehan


    I’m trying to simplify the settings as it removes a complexity for you the site owners, and end users liking content. It’s not totally finished yet though, I do think removing the “View Likes” button is a good idea, but I may have to reconsider not having it as an options…

    As for the styling issues, I’m not sure what to do about this. I’d prefer not to add in extra styling but it seems I may have to.

    Thanks for the appreciation! And I’ll try to have these issues fixed soon. If you could chime in with what you think about the above issues ( and indeed any others you see) it would be a great help!

    Thanks for checking it out. What if you made it where you hovered or clicked on the “View likes” button, and a separate box with the list of users appears, kind of like facebook. Not sure how complicated it is, but it would make it where it didn’t overwrite the text below. Or if there is an option to just remove the names of the people who like it altogether, then (at least for my site), it would look a lot nicer. I appreciate whatever you do, though, and glad someone is working with this plugin!

    Do you have any CSS code for my particular site that would work better besides the “margin-bottom: 30px” that I stated? I am debating turning off the likes until it gets fixed or I can hide them since it makes the site look a little funny.

    Plugin Author darrenmeehan


    No problem ??

    The next planned step I have is to display a popup when the user clicks on the “x others”, something I am actually copying from Facebook: they do it so well!

    I’d recommend turning the plugin off for now until I sort this issue, and a few other small ones out. If you deactivate the plugin, you’ll still be notified of updates.



    I’m now using your plugin v1.0.5 with WP 3.5.2, BP 1.7.3 (what is a stable environment for me) and a premium theme called Salutation. Seems to be fine. Thanks for all your coding, Darren!

    Didn’t wonted to open new thread, so I’ll just write it here

    //TODO: I believe there is a bp core function for this.

    since bplike_activity_button runs inside loop, there is no need to add extra query.

    you can use functions like bp_get_activity_type() as you are using bp_get_activity_id()

    Plugin Author darrenmeehan


    That’s exactly it! There’s a few other BuddyPress functions I think I can make sure of, as there’s a lot of queries currently being added by the plugin.


    Nice work Darren. Look forward to future updates.
    I am trying it with the Buddyboss theme and it works.
    Do get a strange
    “Unlike (1) , and -2 liked this.” for some Likes.

    Plugin Author darrenmeehan


    I’ll have this issue fixed tomorrow!

    Great. I look forward also to a better way to get rid of the old Like rather than jQuery.

    Hi darren, if you are interest i have a modify version of your plugin with email notifications (with templating system).

    I also have modfied version with internal notifications

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