Hi Mandy,
I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re having and I’ll be happy to help.
It works perfectly with Chrome and Genesis. We do a LOT of testing to ensure compatibility, and we would never let there be a conflict with a major browser like that. ??
There’s nothing in the latest update that would prevent comments. Have you tried clearing your browser cache, and clearing the cache on any caching plugins that your clients uses? (such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, etc.) That sounds like a possible caching issue. Is only one person having an issue with Chrome, or are multiple people confirmed to be having an issue with Chrome?
If you haven’t had a chance to yet, please take a few minutes to work through the Troubleshooting Guide and FAQs, as these solve 90% of issues users have.
If those don’t solve the issue for you, we’ll need a bit more info from you on the specifics, and we’ll need to email back and forth, so please head over to the WP-SpamShield Support Form, and take a moment to fill out a support request. That will allow us to take care of this as quickly as possible for you.
– Scott