• Plugin Contributor photocrati


    We want to post and keep updated a list of known plugin and theme conflicts. If you have these plugins installed and are having issues, these may be the cause, so try deactivating them and see if that resolves the issue for now.

    If you are aware of a plugin conflict or have details on the ones below, please add any details.

    Note that if you are having major issues with 2.0, you can safely rollback to 1.9.13:


    BBPRESS. Can cause site crash. Triggers error that looks like: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/content/deletedactualpath/wordpress/wp-includes/query.php on line 27

    MAGIC FIELDS PLUGIN. Can cause site crash. Triggers error that looks like: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /web/content/wp-includes/query.php on line 27

    SOLILOQUY SLIDER PLUGIN. This may cause aspects of our interface to disappear, especially when adding galleries to pages/posts via the new Attach to Post interface.

    CONTACT FORM 7. Still trying to determine the effects on this one. I think I’ve seen one example where it seemed to trigger major errors, and another where it just interfered with gallery displays.


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  • Here’s some further info re. Elegant Themes, specifically, I’m using Nimble:

    The PHP error log gets this message in it:

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in /html/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/simplehtmldom/simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php on line 987

    I think this might be already mentioned but it conflicts with tinynav.

    Hi !

    I faced an issue with NextGEN 2.0 and CKeditor for WP 4.0 : attach window was empty.

    I turn off CKeditor, and install TinyMCE, and the attach window works fine now.

    I think there is probably a conflict between CKEditor for WP and NextGEN Gallery 2.0

    Re. my previous comment about problems with Elegant Themes – I installed the PHP mbstring module and fixed the error above but 2.0 still breaks the image slider the theme uses on the home page. 1.9 works fine.

    My gallery images opens in a blank window now. Some new setting im missing?

    Version 2.0 is not working with our current theme, Zylyz. It is causing the pages with galleries to not load correctly, and the ATP button will not show up in my control panel.

    Here is out site: https://www.westtexasrollerdollz.com

    The affected pages are: https://westtexasrollerdollz.com/skaters-and-referees/

    And: https://westtexasrollerdollz.com/gallery/

    Please let me know if there is something I can do to fix this! Thank you in advance!

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to just post a summary of all know conflicts organized a bit by their effects as of last night. This list doesn’t include the last few listed above. Thanks very much for posting your conflicts here and helping us get on top of what’s happening.




    BBPRESS. Can cause site crash. Triggers error that looks like: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/content/deletedactualpath/wordpress/wp-includes/query.php on line 27

    MEMBER ACCESS. Updating to 2.0 with Member Access makes frontend and backend go totally blank.

    AMEMBER PRO. Updating to 2.0 with AMember Pro makes frontend and backend go totally blank.

    MAGIC FIELDS PLUGIN. Can cause site crash. Triggers error that looks like: Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /web/content/wp-includes/query.php on line 27

    MORE FIELDS. if you try to upgrade to 2.0 with this plugin installed, you’ll get white pages on the both the front and backend pages. The users solve the issue by migrating to Advanced Custom Fields plugin and upgraded fine.

    GREAT REAL ESTATE INTERFACES. There seems to be a conflict with this plugin that triggers an error on activation: Fatal error: Call to undefined function nggshowgallery() in /home/cdanyluk/public_html/wp-content/plugins/great-real-estate/interfaces/interface-nggallery.php on line 28″



    SOLILOQUY SLIDER PLUGIN. This may cause aspects of our interface to disappear, especially when adding galleries to pages/posts via the new Attach to Post interface.

    ROYAL SLIDER. Activating 2.0 breaks this and prevent slider from working.

    EVOLUTION SLIDER. The sliders cease working with NG 2.0 installed.

    NIVO SLIDER (Standalone version). NextGen Gallery 2.0.0 overrides the NivoSlider menu and places it as a submenu of Gallery (I’m assuming in the back end).

    JUSTIFIED IMAGE GRID. NextGEN Breaks Slider.



    PHOTOSWIPE FOR NEXTGEN. Doesn’t work any more.

    SIMPLE PAYPAL SHOPPING CART. Stopped working with NextGEN.

    NEXTGEN CUSTOM FIELDS. Stopped working in templates.

    NEXTGEN GALLERY OPTIMIZER. Causes images to load solo (replaces the website) in the current browser window with NexGen 2.0.

    NEXTGEN NIVO SLIDER. Breaks with NextGEN 2.0.

    ELEGANT THEMES SLIDER. Not a plugin, but including it here. NG seems to break the popular front page slider for Elegant Themes.

    OTHER THEMES WITH SLIDERS. Several report of other themes with sliders breaking.



    CONTACT FORM 7. In one case, seemed to cause site error. In another, broke shortcodes. Many instances, this has no effect at all.

    EASY DIGITAL DOWNLOADS. This plus NextGEN will throw some errors in the backgroud, but doesn’t seem to affect functionality.

    CART 66. One user reported that NextGEN “Killed Cart66 Pro shopping platform.”

    DBTOOLKIT. When generating pages with Nextgen embedded in the code, not showing the thumbnails anymore.

    QTRANSLATE. Language shortcodes like [:en][:de] in “Alt & Title Text / Description” don’t work anymore.

    MAPPRESS EASY GOOGLE MAPS. This one causes NextGEN short codes to stop working and causes the Attach to Post interface to be blank when trying to add galleries.



    ELEGANT THEMES (Menus, Slider). We’ve seen some reports that if NextGEN is activated, menu dropdowns and homepage sliders both break.

    ATTITUDE-MODIFIED (Sliders). NG 2.0 seems to break the home page slider built into the themes.

    OTHER THEMES WITH SLIDERS (Sliders). I”ve seen at least a couple other reports of themes with sliders breaking that I didn’t write down.

    RESPONSIVE THEME (Responsive Menus). Navigation disappears in responsive mode.

    TWENTY TWELVE (Responsive Menus). After updating to NextGEN 2.0, the mobile navigation “Menu” button would no longer toggle down revealing navigation options.

    ECCLESIA THEME. Works fine if you turn of NG permalinks, but there’s no longer any way to do this.

    FLEXFORM THEME. NG 2.0 affect the post/portfolio/team carousels in the theme. The theme carousels are completely hidden.

    RISE THEME. Causes Attach to Post interface to not appear.

    I have to say this update is a disaster. I’m just getting ready to leave on a holiday and my site is borked.

    I see NEXTGEN GALLERY OPTIMIZER listed as conflicting. I deactivated but it made no difference to the fact that gallery images load in their own page.

    Please, please go back to the previous functional version until these (and there appear to be many) issues are resolved.


    Currently unable to add images to posts using the Emphaino theme.

    Also, experiencing fatal errors when the NGFB Open Graph plugin is enabled. However, this only seems to affect new gallery items, not pre-upgrade items.

    However, with reference to one of the posts above. Photoswipe is still working for me; however it was a bit flakey before the update. I found that disabling and re-enabling it usually helped.

    Two issues (at least so far) with Next Gen 2.0 and WP 3.6, have Origin theme and NG Optimizer plugin. https://samaralife.com

    1. As described here, pictures in galleries load as a single image instead of a usual way of darkening the page and showing images in a gallery in the middle of the page. But I enabled Aja[ pagination and this seems to have solved the problem. (I do not know if it was enabled or not before. Actually the big deal is that the NG update seems to have changed all the settings to “No”, and how should I remember which were Yes before?)

    2. I created a gallery and uploaded pics, but the plugin added “-jpg” to file names. I cannot find any settings related to file names in plugin options. It never happened before and my pics do not have “-jpg” in their names. That’s real shit as I need to post a gallery right now and I don’t need my pics to have wrong names.

    One more big issue. I really liked the previous arrangement of creating a gallery and adding pictures interface. Firstly, on creation of a gallery I was given the shortlink which I just copied and pasted into the post. Now I am not given that and you don’t provide the template for that in plugin overview page so I have to google it now and every time I forget.

    But what is worse I am not given the gallery ID number and so what do I insert into the shortcode now?!!! Yes, the number is in the galleries list which is the only thing you should have improved so that it would show galleries with the recent ones first. But the new interface means I have to open the galleries list page first, then open the last page with the latest galleries and then type the shortcode (instead of copy-pasting it).

    Have tried using the update on my sites using the Mingle Theme: https://themeforest.net/item/mingle-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/235056

    This seems to break the css of the website itself.
    Will have to hold off with the update until this gets fixed. Some pre-launch testing really goes a long way guys.

    I have WP 3.6 and the most recent pagelines update. When I upgraded to nextgen 2.0 the galleries failed to show on pages. It repeatedly tells me the plug-in needs to be activated but it is activated. I’ve tried to deactivate and restart etc, doesn’t seem to work.

    “Will have to hold off with the update until this gets fixed. Some pre-launch testing really goes a long way guys.”

    Couldn’t agree more. It may have saved many, many people from some pretty big headaches.

    I am so stuck as I need a good gallery with frontend public uploader and am willing to pay…. but there isn’t anything which works ??

    I have had the same issue as Sandstorm_gaf. There is a conflict with CKEditor plugin that needs adding to your list.

    Like many I like the NextGen plugin, but I find it amazing that so many issues are coming to light following the launch of version 2.0, suggesting to me that it wasn’t tested well enough before launch.

    Even more amazing is that the plugin is still available as V2.0. May I respectfully suggest that the 2.0 version is pulled, reverting back V1.9.13 to avoid further problems for the millions of users of this plugin as they come to upgrade. It can be re-launched once corrected and fully tested.

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