Hi all – thanks for continuing to post conflicts here.
Just wanted to add a couple quick thoughts.
1) We’re now making our latest beta version is available here, with a list of what’s been resolved if you’d like to try updating:
2) For those have major issues who just want to get rolling, again we’ve posted a guide for rolling back to 1.9.13 here:
You can rollback and wait a couple updates for more issues to be ironed out. So that option does exist.
3) We’re now working through plugin conflicts. We’re starting with the most severe, like BBPress, Members Access, and others that cause major site issues. We’ve resolved BBPress and a few others and will be updating our latest beta with those by Monday.
3) TESTING? For those who mentioned testing, I just want to offer a few other thoughts.
First we actually did a ton of internal testing across different platforms. The one thing we’d do more of now is testing again other plugins. We generally test again maybe 10-20 popular plugins as well as some, like lightboxes, known to cause issues. If we ever released such a thorough update again, we test against hundreds of plugins. I think it’s necessary given the age of NG and how deeply integrated it is into the WP ecosystem.
We did, however, also release a public beta version of NextGEN 2.0. It was available for a month, shareed via blog/email/social media, and downloaded over 1000 times. We got a lot of public beta testing feedback. A lot of the feeback was very positive, and most of the issues were relatively minor. No public beta testers reported the kind of significant conflicts we’ve been seeing here.
Given the public beta testing results, I must say we were surprised at what at the volume and severity of some of the issues and conflicts, and wondering why we didn’t see more indications of this from public testing.
I think part of the issue here is just that NextGEN is deployed on 550,000 websites (if even a small percentage have problems, it’s a very large number); it’s an old plugin that is deeply integrated into a lot of websites; it’s deeply customized / tweaked / integrated into third party plugins; and it’s a very large plugin with a ton of functionality that opens it up to conflicts.
We’re now working triple time to resolve issues. The first update should be coming this week. We’re trying to get as much into it as possible and trying – as we always do despite current appearances – to do some fair amount of internal testing prior to launch.
For now, please know that you can roll back safely if needed, try the updated version if your issues is shown as resolved there, or wait for the next update we are rapidly trying to prepare.