• Hey everyone, it’s my first time here on the forums and I would like to first start of by saying that working with WordPress and Buddypress has been a great experience. I have had previous experience with WordPress.com but not made my own self-installation and loved what you can easily come up with.

    I made a social network with Buddypress and WordPress, still a bit rusty and new, but will hopefully improve it as time goes by.

    Click here to access Kwiker.

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  • The site is pretty decent looking, but it’s totally unclear what it is? A forum for who, what and why??? Maybe that’s irrelevant if it’s only going to be used by people who already know. But it still sees like you need a homepage.

    Thread Starter Carlos Ferreira


    The site is meant to be for everyone, and that’s why I allow everyone to make groups, this way people will bring their ideas to the website. It’s not just a forum, it’s a place to share and it doesn’t really need a homepage, as its purpose is to share and a homepage would be the sharing bit, if that makes sense. Like I said it still is a work in progress so of course I will be adding more stuff to it.

    So it’s a place where people make their own forums? What is your target market or intended users? Is it open to the public and search engines?

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