• Resolved drjx


    I don’t care about old labels, but clicked the “migrate now” nag-popup just to get rid of it. Unfortunately, now we have this new nag-popup (going on 2 days):

    WooCommerce Shipping & Tax labels are being migrated to WooCommerce Shipping.

    You may continue to use your website as usual. We will notify you once the migration process is complete.

    Does anyone have an idea how to “unstick” this label migration process?

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by drjx.
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  • Plugin Author André Kallehauge


    Hi @drjx!

    The banner will go away when the label migration has been completed. Depending on have many labels you have, then it might take a while. Luckily it’s just a 1-time thing!

    It’s been a few hours since you created the topic. May I ask if it has been replaced with a success message that you can dismiss permanently?

    / André

    Thread Starter drjx


    Thanks for the reply André. We haven’t been using Shipping & Tax for very long, so only about 500 labels to migrate. The migration process has been running for 2 full days, starting on a 3rd day.

    Based on your understanding of the process, at what point would you recommend we become concerned about its failure to terminate?

    I have also had a sticky banner at the top since installing Woo Shipping three days ago. My old labels are not accessible, and I really need confidence new labels can be printed on Monday.

    Plugin Author ferdev


    Hi @drjx, @smallvalleymedia!

    I apologize for the problems caused by the migration process. I suspect the action scheduler actions may be paused or failed for some reason. Would you mind sharing any error messages in the Tools > Scheduled Actions > Failed tab? That may help us debug the problem you’re facing.

    Thanks a lot for your patience!


    I don’t have the Scheduled Actions admin menu under Tools. Does this require an additional plugin?

    Hello @smallvalleymedia ,

    You can find the details of the failed scheduled actions via Status → Scheduled Actions → Failed as shown here. You can use https://prnt.sc/ or https://snipboard.io to share screenshots here.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    ok, thanks yes I found it under the WooCommerce Status menu.

    I do have a lot of failed jobs there. Here are some related to the “LegacyLabelMigrator”

    Plugin Author André Kallehauge


    Hi @smallvalleymedia!

    Firstly, thank you for your corporation and patience!

    I really need confidence new labels can be printed on Monday.

    Even if the migration is stuck, then it shouldn’t block you from printing new shipping labels although, depending on your workflow, then it might be difficult to confidently say which ones have already had a shipping label printed.

    I do have a lot of failed jobs there. Here are some related to the “LegacyLabelMigrator”

    Ah, yes. Sadly, a portion of merchants have experienced this speicifc edge-case and your migration does indeed seem to have become stuck. The good news is that, based on the error message, then we released a fix for it in WooCommerce Shipping version 1.1.1!

    What we need to do now is 1) make sure you’ve installed the latest version of the plugin and 2) kick off the migration again.

    How to restart the migration:

    If you go to WooCommerce > Status > Tools, then there should be a section around the bottom of the page called “Stop migration WooCommerce Shipping labels”.
    Press the Stop migration button and refresh the page afterwards.

    You should now see a button called Start migration instead, go ahead and click it.

    That’s it! Everything should hopefully complete as expected this time around ??

    If the migration appears to be stuck again, then please do repeat the process of checking the action scheduler and report back.

    PS: The labels you’ve already migrated doesn’t need to be processed again, so the number of labels in the description might seem low depending on how far you got before the error happened.
    Also, for ease of mind, then I want to highlight that we never delete any data during the migration. We’re coping data, so nothing is ever lost.

    Hope that helps!

    / André

    Plugin Author André Kallehauge


    Hi @drjx!

    “Hopefully” it’s the same error you’ve encountered, so feel free to follow the same instructions as I posted above.

    If you feel like it’s something different, then please do share what the action scheduler says and we’ll look into it as soon as possible!

    / André

    Thread Starter drjx


    That worked. Thanks André.

    Thanks, yes this worked for me as well. I really appreciate the support.

    Glad to hear it.

    If you have a few minutes, we’d love if you could leave us a review.

    Thank you.

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