Hello @masudwork,
Thank you for your kind words.
I believe you are missing the point of this plugin so please let me briefly explain. This plugin does nothing more that what is already available in WordPress by default.
Registering a Custom Post Type (CPT) in WP is done by writing code, as explained here, and specifically using the register_post_type function.
As a developer, I found myself constantly writing similar code to register CPTs for my clients’ websites and in order to speed-up this process I decided to create a Graphical User Interface to do exactly that. And since there are many WP users that are not very keen with code, or don’t have access to edit their files, I’ve packaged that into a free plugin and released it here. Same goes for custom taxonomies.
As soon as you use this plugin to create a CPT, then it is up to your theme to use those posts in the frontend of your website. Just like the default post types: Posts or Pages.
For example, if you create a CPT named books (with my plugin or custom code, it doesn’t matter) then you will find a new menu in your admin dashboard called Books. Just Like Posts. You then add your Books there and you can see them in the frontend by clicking on their permalinks or visiting their archives. Again, just like Posts/Pages. A tip here, you can use ACF (or similar) along with my plugin to further extend the functionality of your CPTs.
If you want your CPT to have a different frontend view, in single or archive pages, then this is a very abstract task that goes well beyond this plugin’s scope. I wouldn’t know how your theme looks in the frontend, so how can I add a custom styling to display your CPT? Your theme is responsible for that.
Having said the above, if you tell me what exactly you are trying to achieve, I might be able to point you to the right direction. What you want to do is probably already available in WordPress core or in your theme.
Hope this clears things up,