• Previous negative comments removed. One star updated to three stars. May give it five if the developer provides some kind of tutorial or better explanation on how to set up this plugin.

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  • Plugin Author zoranc


    I find this criticism very unconstructive.

    1. Have you tried posting a support request before posting your review?

    The “Advanced” settings section allows you to determine how to display the tab:
    You can use a shortcode or other various includion methods such as page ids to name the few

    2. Have you even tried going to the dedicated support page?

    I wrote an extensive how to guide, along with documentation for available plugin filters and action hooks, and there is still a ton of more work to be done.

    It looks like he just slapped together a piece of crap just so he could try to sell you his pro version.

    Your argument is baseless: Slapped together? Did you look at the code? Or perhaps you examined the timeline of events prior to the release of the plugin?

    I had tab slide available for 2 years, prior to launching the premium version, going through numerous version iterations, resulting in more and more features, and vastly improved the code as my wordpress specific coding skills improved.

    The main reason why I launched the pro version:

    I wanted to dedicate more time to development and consistent support of this plugin, as many users have personally emailed me and requested that I do so as they would gladly support further development of this project.

    Each purchase translates to another ~hour freed up, that I can dedicate to development and support of this plugin. This means improvements and more features for both, the free and the premium, versions of the plugin.

    YES, this also results in paid customers recieving priority support, but it does not mean that I disregard the free support requests – just take a look at my support responses since the begining of the year – when I launched the premium version of this plugin.

    I was not sure how else I could justify taking the time from paid contract projects(my main source of income), to a project that I initially released completely for free to benefit all the wordpress users for the sole purpose of wanting to release an open source project.

    Ultimately, it’s all in the mindset. I guess I can’t change the mindset of users like yourself, until you, yourself release an open source project to benefit the community and see how much time it takes to keep something like this going.

    Let’s put it this way – would you mind helping me out with one of my websites by writing the content for it, for free? I’ll only need max 6-8hrs a week from you, max! When I put it like that, it sounds a bit ridicolous but that is what I, as a plugin developer, who released an open source plugin, am expected to do. So my options were either to delete the plugin and hence not have to worry about improving it and dedicating my time to support requests; or come up with an alternative solution to keep the project going – and no I don’t believe cluttering the wordpress back end with ads is a better solution.

    If you have any alternative suggestions on how plugin developers, like myself, can accomplish this without resorting to a premium plugin with premium support model, I am all ears.

    As for advising users not to purchase a pro version and move on to something else:
    Provide the alternatives you are advising the users to move on to and state why they are better.

    I am all for criticism that helps other users, or helps me improve this plugin, which you are thus far, unable to provide. I mean the gist of what you are saying is: “It’s lame, move on”. I strongly incourage you to respond with some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, as currently I believe your remarks in their present state are not really of much help to anyone.

    Plugin Author zoranc


    Thank you for the reconsideration and your response!

    When you go to the Tab Slide Settings page you can click on HELP on the right hand upper corner of the screen. This will show descriptions and examples for most of the options. I am looking into creating a video tutorial for both tab slide and tab slide pro in the near future.

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