• I want to create a landing page for my google adwords – and was wondering if anyone had created one using this template, if so how?


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  • halffinn


    i’m working on one. i’m thinking of:
    – removing the header logo
    – removing the navigation menu
    – leaving the footer in place
    – removing all text/html spacing above the body of the page

    so the goal would be that you could lay out the page in the main text section, adding a title, text, table or whatever you want, and a nice button wherever.

    let me know if you have any other ideas.

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi @sjjump74 : not that I know but I would love to see @halffinn creation.
    Cheers and enjoy the theme.



    as a shortcut, while i’m working on tweaking html, i’m testing this plugin:


    so far, the results look pretty good.

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