• Resolved Thorsten :-)



    Unfortunately I cannot find the “langs” folder you have in version 5.9.6. Is this folder abandoned?

    Your new version does not have any pot file for creating language files.

    I appreciate any help ??

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  • Stonehenge Creations


    EM user here too ??

    For a couple of years now, translating themes and plugins has moved from the developers to WordPress Slack (so I guess that is why the Devs removed the folder in this update). WP will download those translations in the Update page.
    You can see the progress (and get involved yourself) here:

    You can still do it locally, though. ??
    The best program to locally translate WP plugins is (in my opinion) Poedit. Check it out here: https://poedit.net/

    Thread Starter Thorsten :-)



    Thank you for your response. I’m working with Poedit for years and I know about this tool. Unfortunately Poedit cannot generate the pot file from the plugin, see the error message of Poedit below:

    Analyzing WP directory D:\WordPress\Plugins\Events Manager\events-manager_v5.9.7\events-manager
    not theme - lacks style.css
    in D:\WordPress\Plugins\Events Manager\events-manager_v5.9.7\events-manager\events-manager.php: header "Plugin Name" = "Events Manager"
    D:\WordPress\Plugins\Events Manager\events-manager_v5.9.7\events-manager\events-manager.php is the main plugin file
    in D:\\WordPress\Plugins\Events Manager\events-manager_v5.9.7\events-manager\events-manager.php: header "Text Domain" = "events-manager"
    no load_plugin_textdomain call and lacking metadata
    some work is probably required to make the PHP code localization-ready
    see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/internationalization/how-to-internationalize-your-plugin/

    I downloaded the formal German translation from above link and I have got exactly what I do not want to get and why I maintain each language file by myself because of lacking professionality, see this example of this translation


    Stonehenge Creations


    Hi @per4mance ??
    I tried to load it in Poedit and indeed got the same error.

    I checked it against the previous version and this line seems to be taken out (was lines 448-449) just above //WPFC Integration:

    load_plugin_textdomain('events-manager', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ).'/includes/langs');

    As soon as you add that missing line Poedit works again.

    @the Dev Team:
    This is truly a major bug! Not using load_plugin_textdomain’ will make the plugin NOT load any translation.

    Your screenshot is exactly the reason why I still use Poedit too. The Dutch translations are often lacking as well. Especially d/t in Dutch (similar to F?lle in German).

    Stonehenge Creations


    To add something… ‘load_plugin_textdomain()’ will always first look in the wp-content/languages/plugins folder for the online translation.

    To force the plugin to first look in the main plugin folder, I use this function:

    function stonehenge_load_translations() {
    	$text 	= 'events-manager';
    	$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', function_exists( 'determine_locale' ) ? determine_locale() : get_locale(), $text );
    	$mofile = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/languages/'. $text . '-' . $locale . '.mo';
    	$loaded = load_textdomain( $text, $mofile );
    	if( !$loaded ) { $loaded = load_plugin_textdomain( $text, false, '/languages/' ); }
    	if( !$loaded ) { $loaded = load_muplugin_textdomain( $text, '/languages/' ); }
    add_action('init', 'stonehenge_load_translations');

    It looks in ‘/languages/’ as that is the default used folder. So you should save your .pot and .po and .mo files in events-manager/languages. ??

    Plugin Author Marcus



    We have deprecated the langs folder as more up-to-date translations are on the www.ads-software.com repo. This was a conscious decision because that folder hasn’t been updated in years, and all the language files were copied over to the translate.wordpres.org repo anyway so they are either the same if untranslated or more up to date.

    Additionally, those files managed by WordPress are given priority in the core languages folder anyway, so in theory, you’ll be using those anyway by default. We didn’t announce this due to that reason.

    @duisterdenhaag We don’t need load_plugin_textdomain, we did test this out and translations do work fine without it. On the dashboard, the language shown is the one in your profile, front-end is the one in general settings.

    @per4mance I would first argue that maybe you could help get your language correctly translated on translate.www.ads-software.com if there’s something incorrect there ??

    However, I’m not sure what you mean by your screenshot… for example this string seems to be OK? I’d appreciate an explanation to understand it better.

    If you still need the old po/pot files, they’ll always remain in the SVN repo. @duisterdenhaag’s snippet would probably make a good upgrade-proof way to preserve your translation work (but again, I’d consider the route of contributing to the translations so they’re correct for everyone).

    Thread Starter Thorsten :-)



    Thank you very much for your detailed answer, I appreciate this very much; and I received your email.

    I understand why you chose this way. It is not easy to maintain foreign languages. But unfortunately I see a lot of false translations day by day. If I would correct them all I could not maintain anymore all the projects of my customers.

    One very simple example:
    The word “event” is used in German as well. The “normal” translation is “Veranstaltungen”. To show you that you can learn “Event Management” as an official characterization by the German Training Center at IHK, see https://www.konstanz.ihk.de/System/vst/1686752?id=251575&terminId=559600, what indicates that “event” is used in both ways. If I decide to translate the word “event” (EN) with “Event” (DE, capitalized because it’s a noun) and within the context sometimes as “Veranstaltung” or “Veranstalten” (nominalization of a verb in German is possible), it could be that another translator has a different opinion and changes everything to something I don’t agree because it does not fit the context for example.

    The result could be a dispute between translators about the quality of translations. Me, as a professional translator takes an eye on the whole context of a work. The German language has a lot of Anglicisms.
    The next issue comes with the long wording we have in the German language because you can combine nouns (compound words), e.g. “Event Category” als “Veranstaltungskategorie” or “Eventkategorie”. Or to show you how German words could be very ugly for people abroad, take the word “Flussschifffahrtsgesellschaft” what is more or less “river traffic corporation” in English. To have long words in WordPress could ugly too, see my screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/m0C5MM5cW0I

    Now you understand why I prefer to have my translations in a better condition. If you work for governments, institutions and officials you should have control about your work. This is why it is very useful if your plugin still have the pot file, the template for translations.

    And last but not least, see this screenshot https://www.screencast.com/t/cWzQ7IxLmZHs

    If the translator would have an eye on grammar and comma placement, the sentence of the screenshot would be “Google kann Ihnen die Nutzung, abh?ngig vom Verkehr auf Ihrer Seite, in Rechnung stellen. Für weitere Informationen, wie und wo Events Manager die Google Maps API nutzt und wie Sie die Kosten managen k?nnen, schauen Sie bitte in unsere Dokumentation”.

    But if you want a professional and good reading translation of your original version “Google may charge you for usage, depending on how much traffic your site receives. For more information about how and where Events Manager uses the Google Maps API, and how to manage costs, please see our %s page” you would have “Google berechnet Ihnen m?glicherweise eine Nutzungsgebühr, abh?ngig davon, wie viel Traffic Ihre Website erh?lt. Weitere Informationen dazu, wie und wo Events Manager die Google Maps-API verwendet und wie Sie die Kosten verwalten, finden Sie auf unserer Seite unter %s.

    I did not go to the whole translation of your version 5.9.7 but I’m not happy with it.

    If you could add the pot file in the near future, this would be very useful for many translators or please show me where I can download the pot file from the WordPress repository.

    Thank you very much ??

    Stonehenge Creations


    I so agree with you, @per4mance. ??
    Some strings are being translated extremely literally. I guess there is no check wether or not the translator is actually using the plugin, because context is very often lost. Especially if a word has a double meaning. ??
    Not only within EM, but lots of plugins…

    I am using a plugin with “Last year:”. That has been translated to “Laatste jaar:”. Literally a correct translation, but in the context of its use, it should be “Vorig jaar:”, which has a very different meaning in Dutch (“Laatste jaar” is more like “Final year”).

    “He is the last in line” = “Hij is de laatste in de rij.”
    “This happened last week.” = “Dit is vorige week gebeurd.”

    In the past I have submitted several corrections for multiple plugins. Yet there are only a few people who are allowed to approve them (a perfectly logical decision, btw) and they do not all use the plugin of course. Making it come back to context…

    Thread Starter Thorsten :-)



    You’re totally right and I understand you completely. Please, where do I have to include your code?

    Stonehenge Creations


    It needs to be in the main plugin file, so in this case: /wp-content/events-manager/events-manager.php.

    You can paste it at the very bottom. Please note though, that it will be lost when EM gets an update. So back it up, as well as you custom translation files. ??

    If you should decide to use this in multiple plugins, please change the function name (and its trigger in the action) to something unique each time. WordPress can handle only unique function names. ??

    Thread Starter Thorsten :-)


    It works, thank you so much! Now I have only 20 lines of strings to change instead of 1497. I saved this thread for further use.

    Please go to your string line 232 “We recommend leaving this on unless you are experiencing issues configuring your eamil.” You have transposed letters of the word “email”.

    Stonehenge Creations


    “string line 232” is as that is the ID that Poedit gave it. ??
    You mean /admin/em-options.php, line 610. That is the code that is misspelled.

    Thread Starter Thorsten :-)


    You’re right @duisterdenhaag. Sorry this was my fault ??

    Plugin Author Marcus


    Guys, I do agree with you about the intricacies of translating. I speak 4 languages fluently and appreciate the nuances ??

    I’ll write this all here for posterity.

    It’s a tricky one to solve in a community-driven platform like WordPress, or frankly any software where translations are done by volunteers and a consistent consensus is needed.

    As an counter-example?@per4mance I translated some of the Spanish one myself last week, and had to decide between boletos, billete, entrada or even “ticket” which is also widely used in event platforms. Managing consistency accross all those translations is already a task in itself, let alone deciding on WHAT to be consistent on.

    Sadly, there’s no perfect solution, however being WP and with all the hooks available, the upside is it’s not hard for you to take matters into your own hands as you have in already. But still, there’s no point in keeping that pot file there because its out of date. You have lots of options.

    Firstly, just grab the latest translation from here or here (bottom of page). These are updated on-the-fly when we commit to the SVN repo. You can update your own po file from that POT file if I’m not mistaken in po edit. Also, a pot file is a po file, just change the extension if need be.

    If you want a clean POT file straight from the plugin there are also options, you could try loco translate or the one we used (even though it’s not actively developed), codestyling localization.

    Then, using script like Patrick’s you can add your own translation wherever you’d like. Personally, I’d change it slightly so you can add it in a folder like wp-content/languages/custom/ and avoid it getting overwritten on updates (I’ve not tested this):

    function my_custom_em_plugin_translations() {
    	$text 	= 'events-manager';
    	$locale = apply_filters( 'plugin_locale', function_exists( 'determine_locale' ) ? determine_locale() : get_locale(), $text );
    	$mofile = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/languages/custom/'. $text . '-' . $locale . '.mo';
    	$loaded = load_textdomain( $text, $mofile );
    	if( !$loaded ) { $loaded = load_plugin_textdomain( $text, false, '/languages/' ); }
    	if( !$loaded ) { $loaded = load_muplugin_textdomain( $text, '/languages/' ); }
    add_action('init', 'my_custom_em_plugin_translations');

    I’d also suggest pasting this into its own .php file and placing it in wp-content/mu-plugins

    Thorsten, I’ll email you because I have some ideas on how to make alternative good translations like yours available to others, without compromising on your level of consistency.

    Thread Starter Thorsten :-)



    Thank you Marcus for your detailed explanation and congrats to you to speak four languages fluently. I’m fine with German, English and brazilian Portuguese (lived three years in Rio de Janeiro) and I know a bit French.

    And I understand you totally, Marcus. And your example of a community-driven platform shows me a big mistake in missing the professionals. I want to give you one example and maybe @duisterdenhaag knows this too.

    A customer asked for help. He wanted to PTE certify my translation within the WordPress repository, but could not because he received the answer he has to be a native speaker to do this. I never did this before but I wanted to help my customer and I followed the registration process on WordPress slack and asked for PTE certifying. The “German” slack moderator who seems responsible for this rejected my certifying because I never made a translation over WordPress repository. That’s true, I never did this and I’m not willing to do this because of what I described above.

    What is the conclusion?

    Many professionals, here translators, keep away because of unprofessionalism. And now you can tell me what is a PTE worth if a professional who translated over a million words over the last years, like me, cannot get a PTE because a volunteer who moderats a channel says “I do not see any translations from you here but I have the force to decide what’s right and what not”.

    Sorry but this is a no go and a big dark hole in the system of quality management.

    I could tell you many examples more what goes wrong. I know that “where planing is done, there are chips” (a saying). But sometimes it drives me crazy.

    Marcus, you can write me anytime ??

    Plugin Author Marcus


    Hi Thorsten,

    Yes, it’s not perfect by any means, this becomes another subject wider to WP as a whole :/

    The bright side is that the translation teams are pretty strict on vetting who can translate what so in some ways it’s better than individual plugins managing their translations like in the past. However, each team is run by different people, and they are all volunteers so there are big trade-offs and things vary wildly from language to language (even being the developer and fluent was hard to become PTE of my languages).

    I’ve written to you already, as I have an idea about this.

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