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  • The MAN



    I would like to contribute with Serbian language, if thats ok… Where can I download file with text to translate? Site that’s provided is not available.

    Thank you.



    Hallo Christian

    die Teamnamen, SPielrunden kommen aus der Datenbank und nicht aus den SPrachdateien. Du kannst das ?ndern im Admin Bereich, im entsprechenden Fenster, dann vorne auf die ID klicken.

    Eine aktuallisierte Sprachdatei gibt es Anfang n?chster Woche.

    To change Teamnames, Rounds click in admin Listviews Teams,Rounds on the ID Number then it opens the edit view und you can change to your language.

    Gru? Fred

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Hello mrelic,

    In itself plugin there is a file inside the lang folder called world-cup-predictor.pot. You should use a program like Poedit to save the file to your language and start translating. If you need some help to do this, please contact me, ok?


    sorry hat etwas l?nger gedauert. Die aktualisierten deutschen SPrachdateien kannst du hier runter laden.
    Zip entpacken und beide Dateien in den Ordner

    you can download and include in World Cup Predictor

    thx for ur work, will Ian still involved?

    Hi landoweb,

    thanks for the instruction. If I have enough time to translate it I will post translation for Serbian/Croatian and you may update it if you wish…

    Also, I have one suggestion for plugin… Plug in now have prediction for results, not for tables… If you are interested for further development I can write my idea here?

    Regards ??

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Hi The_Duke,

    Thanks for the translation. I will include in version 1.7.

    I talked with Ian today and he said the plugin was very popular so it can support, so it is no longer involved in the project, but will always be considered the author of this plugin. ??

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Hi mrelic,

    How would work predictions for tables?

    Hi landoweb,

    here you can see the prediction for tables. Of course it doesn’t have to be that fancy ??

    This is the game where you predict tournament before tournament begins. This would be lets say 1st game, and 2nd game would be the one that you already created.
    Then admin can count points all together or just create two separete games.

    What do you think?

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Hi mrelic,

    Despite being an interesting feature, this runs off a little of the original purpose of the script and hence there would be enough time to develop it before the start of World Cup. But thanks for the suggestion!

    Hi landoweb…

    I understand… well, it’s pity ??
    Btw, do you have already developed website with this prediction of yours, so I can see how did you designed it?


    Plugin Author landoweb


    Na vers?o demo estamos utilizando o tema padr?o do WordPress:

    But recently used this same script to manage a tournament called “Championship” here in Brazil:

    In this case, I used BuddyPress.

    I also used the script with another theme called London Magazine, but the site is no longer online.

    Thank you ??

    both sites looks very nice.
    I hope I will develop website for my friends soon… I’ll post it here. Also translations for serbian and croatian.

    Finished translating text in Serbian language… ??

    Here is link:

    Can you please tell me few things, since I want to run my own WP prediction site:
    – How many MySQL data bases do I need?
    – How much work is needed to create site like (for developer beginner like me)?
    – Is it possible for non Word Press users to play predictions (Facebook or Google log in)?

    Plugin Author landoweb


    Hi, mrelic.

    1) You need one MySQL database.
    2) The website was constructed using the default WordPress theme. Ie make a website as it would not take more than an hour. Just install WordPress, install the plugin, click the button to import the teams and matches and finally, create a page for each feature you want to use on your website (the most important are Predictions and Ranking).
    3) Should probably be some of the WordPress plugin that allows logging in via Facebook. Or you can use a theme that has this functionality.

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