Language bug report bbPress issues general issues
Hello to Marsian and to all the community,
Here is a copy of a mail I sent to the templatesnext team. I hope I’ll recieve some support from you guys and maybe help people.First of all, I noticed there was a small bug in the footer.php template : the line
<?php printf( __( ', Designed and Developed by', 'itransform' )); ?>
should be changed to
<?php printf( __( ', Designed and Developed by ', 'itransform' ) ); ?>
With those two spaces missing, I could not translate that piece of text, though I now managed to do so, by adding those two spaces ! ??Also, I would like to know if any update is planned to make the theme bbPress ready. Indeed, there are a few problems I noticed using bbPress with that theme. Here are two screens (please read my red comments, where I explain what are the issues).
Topic view :
Specific forum view : addition to that, I face two more issues which occur on all pages of the website. Here is a screen :
Thank you very much for your support, and for your wonderful theme.
Warm regards,
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