Hi @ruzakuku,
Sorry that you ran into issues here!
If you’re trying to do translations, you need to use the translation file we include with the plugin. Are you following these instructions here?
This article will give you the specifics on how to translate the directory:
Please keep in mind that with each release, we add, edit or remove strings in the plugin, and as a result, those things are changed in the translation file. If you are using a translation file, you should update your translation files with EACH upgrade of the plugin. If you have an older translation file, you may need to upgrade it.
Follow the instructions in this article for the steps to take to upgrade your translation file: https://businessdirectoryplugin.com/knowledge-base/how-to-upgrade-a-translation-file/
If that’s not it, can you tell me what version of BD you’re running here? And where the specific page is (link is best)? (It’s important to know that because many strings have duplicates across the plugin)