Most times, it may be enough to just modify the CSS by adding additional rules to either the Floating language switcher or the Shortcode language switcher.
If you are looking for more radical changes, you can create your own language switcher using our code as an example.
Basically, the language switcher consists of a series of anchor tags with href attributes pointing to the equivalent page in different languages.
It’s important to use anchor tags if you are planning to use the Automatic User Language Detection Add-on.
English French
You can find the code for the already built language switchers here:
1. Floater language switcher
wp-content/plugins/translatepress/includes/class-language-switcher.php (function add_floater_language_switcher)
?2. Shortcode language switcher [language_switcher]
wp-content/plugins/translatepress/includes/class-language-switcher.php ( function language_switcher )
Use the code as an example of how to build a language switcher.