Thank YOU for this increadible plugin!
3 Questions:
1. Where can I change the language from French to English?
2. Is it possible to remove the textpart (“Publié le”) in front of the date?
3. Is it possible to decide which buttons are shown on top? (I would like to remove LinkedIn e.g.) If not: Where can I remove all share-buttons at the top?
Hi ! Thank you ! If yourWP installation is in English, it normaly tanslates everything automatically. Otherwise I can help you to change the line : for the social networks, it islocated in template/newors.php Concerning the other parts, it depends of the template lay-out, also located in the template repository, a file templte begin with slf_ and there are also two more files article.php or article_tinycol.php (only for fadetogrey teplate). Ifyou do’t find, please tell me which template you wihsh to use and I will ell you the concerned lines.
mke a mistake networks.php / tell me if it is ok !
Hi Loreline, thanx for your support!
I see. My WP Installation is in German, so it chooses autamtically French, I think. Is it possible for you to add German as a Language? That would solve all my three questions in one, I think – Example: Instead of “Publié le” in front of the date, in German it would be sth like “Ver?ffentlicht am” – that would be very nice!
Yes of course but I’m not good enough to translate it in German, if you are motivated to do do : there are not too much to translate. You can edit the language file with PoEdit, it’s located in “languages” and you can use any of the file ending with .po (the .mo is generated with PoEd and all the .mo files are in English). Concerning the networks, I will work a new version that will include the possibility to manage them from the general options (available from the dashboard) – probably for this w-e .
I don’t have FTP access, WordPress is preinstalled – my fault. I can only work with Dashboards’ “Edit”-function. So I searched here for “Language” but I didn’t find it
I can snd you the file to translate and then add it to a new versin. In the meanwhile, I can also make a false tranalsted file where German will be, in fact, English. Tell me what do you prefer !
False German file (in fact in English) is added in a new release !
It doesn’t work. Maybe because the language option in WordPress is “Deutsch” instead of “German”?
To change my blog language from “Deutsch” to “English” would be vey bad for SEO.
I started translation:
Article Peview/Published
– “Please wait while the page is loading” = Loading
– Published on 01. Feb. 2016 = Ver?ffentlicht am 2. Februar 2016 [M?rz, April, Mai, Juni, …]
– Share this article per mail = Artikel versenden
– Auf Twitter teilen
– Auf Facebook teilen
– Auf LinkedIn teilen
– Auf Google+ teilenDashboard [Menue left]
– Long Form
– Add New = Erstellen
– Categories = Kategorien
– Tags = Tags [Hint: Sometimes ?Schlagw?rter“]
– Options = Optionen[After Click on ?Add New“]
– Edit #longform, ?Add New“ = #Longform Erstellen, “Erstellen”
– Revisions = RevisionenConfiguration = Einstellungen [or Konfiguation]
– Long Form template = Long Form Template
– Font family (text) = Schriftart Flie?text
– Font family (titles and section‘ caption) = Schriftart Titel
– Theme color = Theme Color
– Use with Aesop Story Engine = Aesop Story Engine-Plugin aktiv?
– Yes = Ja
– No = NeinDiscussion = Kommentare
– Allow comments = Erlaube Kommentare
– Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this site = Erlaube Trackbacks und PinbacksIntro = Einleitung [Could be Intro as well]
– Author(s) = Autor(en)
– Pictures by = Fotos von
– Subtitle = Untertitel
– Title Color = Schriftfarbe Titel
– Background image (intro) = Hintergrundbild Einleitung [Intro]
– “Chose your image” = Bild ausw?hlen
– “Remove image” = Bild entfernen
– OR video in the background (copy-paste our embed code) = Video statt Hintergrundbild (Code einbetten)Add content (lead) = Einleitung hinzufügen
– Add text (optional) = Text hinzufügen (optional)Section 1 = Bereich 1
– Section title = Titel 1
– Title alignement = Titelausrichtung
– “Left” = Links
– “Centre” = Zentriert
– “Right” = Rechts
– Title color = Schritfarbe Titel
– Background image (intro of the section) = Hintergrundbild Bereich 1
– Choose your image = “Bild ausw?hlen”
– “Remove image” = Bild entfernen
– Image caption = Bildunterschrift
– OR video in the background (copy-paste our embed code) = Video statt Hintergrundbild (Code einbetten)
(…)?+ ADD NEW SECTION +“ = Bereich hinzufügen
Footer = Footer
– Custom CSS / advances user (replace the example below by your code“ = Custom CSS (Beispielcode ersetzen)Thank you, Christiane. I will add those translations to the DE (I understand for the SEO, it’s important !) You will get a new version within a little hour !
Here are more translations need before updtate, could you take care about it ? So vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit!
Use this image : Dieses Bild benutzen ok ?
Add content : Inhalt hinzufügen ok ?
Settings saved – Optionen gespeichert ok ?
Home : Startseite ok ?One comment to
View #longform
Search #longform
No #longform found
No #longform in trash
#longform (parent):
Simple Long Form activity
You don’t have sufficient permissions to access this page.
Available templates
Available fonts
As every #longform is unique, this option is available at every new creation.
5 font families are available for the formatting text, as 5 Google Fonts to customize the titles of each long read.
Add your Twitter ID (@myName)
Add your Google Analytics code ( <script>…</script> )
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A friend wants to share this article with you:
Read the story
Number of Long Form to show:Gerne ?? Here it is:
Use this image : Dieses Bild benutzen
Add content : Inhalt hinzufügen
Settings saved = Optionen gespeichert
Home : StartseiteOne comment to = Kommentieren [If the function is meant: Add a new comment/Comment!]
View #longform = #longform ansehen
Search #longform = #longform suchen
No #longform found = Nichts gefunden/ Keine #logform gefunden
No #longform in trash = Papierkorb ist leer/ Keine #longform im Papierkorb
#longform (parent)= #longform (parent)
Simple Long Form activity = [Don’t know…in which context does it stand?]
You don’t have sufficient permissions to access this page. = Zugang verweigert.
Available templates = Verfügbare Templates
Available fonts = Verfügbare Schriften
As every #longform is unique, this option is available at every new creation. = [Don’t know…in which context does it stand? Could be: “Diese Option ist für jede neue #longform verfügbar”]
5 font families are available for the formatting text, as 5 Google Fonts to customize the titles of each long read. = W?hle aus 5 Google-Schriftarten aus.
Add your Twitter ID (@myName) = TwitterID hinzufügen (@MeinName)
Add your Google Analytics code ( <script>…</script> ) = Google Analytics-Code einfügen
Navigation = Navigation [Menü]
← Older Comments = Vorherige Kommentare
Newer comments → = Neue Kommentare
Comments are closed. = Keine Kommentare mehr m?glich
A friend wants to share this article with you: = Ein Freund m?chte Dir diesen Artikel zeigen:
Discover = Ansehen
Read the story = Artikel lesen
Number of Long Form to show = [Don’t know…in which context does it stand?]It’s for the widget included and that means : how mmny LongForm do you like to diplay ? With that, it will be completed ??
Anzahl der angezeigten #longform-Artikel
Thank you so much: I am really happy that SLF is now translated in German. The new release is ready, you can update the pugin. And don’t hesitate to tell me if there is something more to change ! Again, viele danke ??
It makes me happy to support someone like you, who came up with that great Plugin I waited for!
The new Version doesn’t work, I’m sorry to say this. I installed the Update but nothing changes. Closing the Brwoser and restart WordPress doesn’t help too.
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