php_value memory_limit 72M
is a key!
Hi Frederick,
Thanks for the reply. The errors were simply: “Analysis Error
The page returned an error: 500 Internal Server Error”.
I also enabled Rocket in the CloudFlare settings and went through the rest of the settings and made some changes I thought were going to be helpful.
So when I got your reply here, I immediately applied the solution. But before adding the line you gave me I ran a speed test:
I then added the line to my htaccess file and uploaded it to the server. Running a new speed test, I got the above Internal Error message.
I clicked to run the test again and this time it carried the test through, reporting:
I raised the number to 128M and tested again, same error message, and then again I tried running the test successfully. Results:
So your solution did something!
When I look at the tests results, I find that before inserting the 72M code, the line “Enable gzip compression” was showing a grade of F 14. Now with the 72M specified, the grade is still at F 14. But using 128M brings that line at A 100. So I left the value of 128M since it gives a noticeable increase in the test results.
Those are the little mysteries regular guys like me are thankful for brains like yours who can help us out, it may feel simple for coders, but not being one, I deeply value your help… :O)
About CloudFlare: I do hope they will reward you for your contribution and how many people you turned their way…
Many thanks for everything!
Andre Lefebvre