You should have created another topic as this is marked as resolved.
it may be easier for future users when you “add new menu item” that you can select the menu sections to add them when adding the meny item instead of after
It is not possible because you cannot define the position in the section in this case. Probably it could be possible later, if I have a clear vision on UI for this feature.
also the “item tags” such as spicy etc, once you add them you cant remove them
I see, it’s a bug, I will fix it, thank you.
oh & would it be possible to have the <h2> tag for each menu optional for each individual menu? at the moment i have just removed them completely from the plugin setting and add them manually where necessary
Well, if I understand you correctly, there is no UI for this feature, but you can always use built-in filters:
– overrides menu item template
– overrides menu section template
– overrides menu template
All of these filters get global template (defined in settings) as the first parameter and post object as the second one.
An example of php code to override the menu item template:
add_filter('foodlist_menu_item_template', 'my_menu_item_template', 10, 2);
function my_menu_item_template($tpl, $post) {
if ($post->ID == 12345) {
$tpl = '
<div class="fl-menu-item" id="fl-menu-item-[menu_item_id]-[menu_item_instance]">
<h2>[menu_item_title]</h2> <!-- changed to h2 -->
<div class="fl-menu-item-meta">
<img src="[menu_item_tag_icon_url]" alt="[menu_item_tag_description]" />
<span class="fl-currency-sign">[currency_sign]</span>
<span class="fl-menu-item-price">[menu_item_price]</span>
<div class="fl-excerpt">
<div class="clear"></div>
return $tpl;
This code can be placed to /wp-content/themes/yourtheme_folder/functions.php