• Resolved chiro1x


    Hi everyone,
    i have a Problem to get my Core Web Vitals fixed.
    There is an elementor widget which takes quite long thats why i receive the following Error at the LCP Element. Does anyone know how to fix this and can help me with this issue? TIA

    Largest Contentful Paint-Element 5.490?ms
    Dies ist das gr??te Inhaltselement, das im Darstellungsbereich angezeigt wird. Weitere Informationen zum Largest Contentful Paint-ElementLCP
    div.elementor-widget-wrap > div.elementor-element > div.elementor-widget-container > img.elementor-animation-float
    <img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" width="267" height="300" src="https://sp-ao.shortpixel.ai/client/to_webp,q_glossy,ret_img,w_267,h_300/ht…" class="elementor-animation-float attachment-medium size-medium wp-image-10411" alt="">
    Prozentanteil des LCP

    • This topic was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by chiro1x.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Milos


    Hi there,

    Before any recommendation is offered, I’d like to highlight that Elementor is already optimized for speed. However, from a technical standpoint, there will inevitably be a small impact on performance, this happens with any page builder that you use. There are quite a number of steps to optimize your website for speed. Since this has been a bit of a widely asked question, our team has come up with a checklist of sorts with some good steps to take to ensure your website performs as best as possible. You may have a run through it below and see if it helps.


    How to Speed Up a Slow Site With Elementor

    Blog – How to Speed Up Your WordPress Website

    Blog – How to Speed up Your Elementor Site Using WP Rocket

    Solutions to effectively increase site performance based on other users’ experiences.


    Also here are some extra steps you can take to address the issue with the Elementor widget causing a delay in LCP:

    1. Identify the Widget Causing Delay: Determine which Elementor widget is causing the delay in LCP. You can use browser developer tools or performance monitoring tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to identify the specific widget or element causing the delay.
    2. Optimize Image and Media: If the our widget includes images or media files, optimize them for web use. Use image compression techniques, serve images in modern formats like WebP, and lazy load images to improve loading times.
    3. Minimize CSS and JavaScript: Minify and concatenate CSS and JavaScript files to minimize network requests and improve loading speed.
    4. Lazy Load the Widget: Implement lazy loading for the Elementor widget so that it only loads when it becomes visible in the viewport. This can help improve initial page load times and prioritize content that contributes to LCP.
    5. Cache Elementor Output: Utilize caching mechanisms to cache the output generated by the our widget. This can help reduce server processing time and improve overall performance.
    6. Evaluate Third-party Scripts:. Remove unnecessary scripts or defer their loading to improve page loading times.
    7. Update Elementor and Plugins: Ensure that Elementor and any associated plugins are up to date. Developers often release updates to improve performance and address compatibility issues.
    8. Test and Monitor: After implementing optimizations, regularly test and monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or WebPageTest to track improvements in Core Web Vitals metrics.

    Kind regards,

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